The Cults are back in Town

Posted on Nov 11, 2013 in Family

Madeline and Ryan’s group – The Cults – made another stop in San Diego.  They played one of the best shows I have seen this night. The venue is an old Church called Irenic.  They played on the altar.

Maddie  stopped the show in the middle, ran off stage and grabbed Lucy and Mila and took them back stage.  While back stage the girls opened and closed the door, waving to all the Cults Fans off stage.  Then Maddie ran back on stage and sang “Go Outside”.  Could it be any more perfect.  Maddie was such a super star this night.  Later that night, Mila explained to me how awesome it was.  She was so excited, I don’t think she probably slept last night.

Thank you Maddie for a great night.

The Cults

