Throw Back Thursday

Posted on Oct 22, 2015 in photography

While most guys head to Vegas for their Bachelor parties, I headed to Catalina on a Yacht.  I must live an unusual life because how many guys would be lucky enough to have a brother that had his own Yacht and then would be willing to take his ragtag family and brother out on it for his bachelor party.

I laughed because the average age at my bachelor party was probably some around 21.  Not because I am a young guy but because I brought our nephews along for the ride.

Geno was there and I have such special memories of it.  He was constant entertainment for me and I could not have come up with a better bachelor party in a million years.

Its throw back Thursday and this was one event I will never forget.



Posted on Oct 22, 2015 in photography


Caeser Stole His Pen and Caused This Poor Guy to Flunk 2 Classes

Posted on Oct 18, 2015 in Family


The year was 1978 and while studious Danny McKenna turned to ask his teacher a question he was robbed.  Another boy, Caesar Cortez reached onto Danny’s desk and swiped his one and only pen while he wasn’t looking.  Unsure of what happened, or what to do next, Danny decided to wait it out and see if the pen would turn up.

Day after day, he waited for his pen.  He searched high and low for that pen.  All the while, his homework piled up. Higher and higher.

His teacher, Mrs Beaker, questioned him each day.  “Danny, where is your homework?”.  Danny, “why are you not taking any notes in class”.  Danny was shy and didn’t want to let anyone know he had lost the pen so he kept his mouth shut, quietly enduring the anguish he felt inside not to be able to do his schoolwork.

Come report card day the damage had been done.  Not only had he not found his pen, but he realized that he had flunked 2 classes.  The situation had unraveled quickly for studious Danny and now he had two big F’s, and one of those was in PE.

While Danny sat crying, looking at his report card, a remorseful Caesar Cortez came up to him and said, “Danny. I am sorry.  I stole your pen. I am responsible for you flunking two classes”.

A weight was lifted. Danny felt great.  He went home.  When he explained to his father that he flunked the two classes because Caesar stole his pen, his father understood.

Reaching into his pocket, his father gave him another pen.  “Now you never have to flunk another class again Danny Boy”, his father said reassuringly patting him on the back.  All was forgiven but Danny learned a great lesson that year – Watch out for that thief Caesar Cortez.  He’s a bad little kid.

French Vanilla Mocha

Posted on Oct 17, 2015 in photography


Pizza Head

Posted on Oct 17, 2015 in Family

Chet looks on at his Pizza Crust.

Processed with VSCOcam with g3 preset

Liam and Oliver

Posted on Oct 17, 2015 in Family

Liam is the bigger guy.  Oliver is the smaller guy.  But I thought the bigger guy was Oliver at first.  A glimpse into the Oliver’s future self.

Processed with VSCOcam with g3 preset

The Beachsters

Posted on Oct 17, 2015 in photography

We all live for the sun.  Because the sun makes fun.  Grab your girl by the hand.  Have some fun in the sand. Cause Baby. Baby. We all live for the sun.


Boy and Dog

Posted on Oct 17, 2015 in photography

A boy and his dog stop to watch the slowing sunset as it rest over WindanSea Beach.  These are the dog days of summers end.
