Sunny Delight
Its minus 20 degrees in Syracuse where we were about a week ago and its 70 degrees here in San Diego. This is the life.
Cold Water
San Diego water temperatures are quite chilly. Today’s winter water temperature is about 59 degrees. Break out the wet suits, it’s too cold to swim without them in San Diego. This is a picture I took tonight of the beautiful San Diego Sunset.
A TV Show About How to Eat Cookies
Its a good show, brought to you by cookie eating experts that tell you how to eat cookies.
I Would Run 1,000 Miles
Last January I set goal for myself to keep myself running. I would try to run just about everyday, on the treadmill for 3 miles. Considering days taken off (which were just a few), I did achieve that and more.
Going to the Gym is Boring
There is nothing quite as monotonous as going to the gym, hoping on the treadmill and running for 20-25 minutes. Thud, Thud, Thud. Sometimes it seems like it went on forever. But I would always remind myself that I needed to run my 3 miles, and I would usually make it.
I didn’t always make it though and sometimes stopped at 2 miles, but other times I ran 5 miles to make up for those lapses. All in all it was one long boring run that I pieced together over 1 year and I am glad that I did it.
San Diego to Odessa
For fun I tracked the endeavor on GoogleMaps to see what that long run looked like and as it turns out, I made it almost half way across the United States. Well thats not quite true but the run landed me in the middle of Texas.
Here is the run and what it would have looked like if I choose to Forest Gump it across the US.
Setting Goals is a Good Thing
I must say running breaks you out of the status quo each day and forces you into an uncomfortable situation. Running is not fun. I do not like it but I sure do like how I feel after it is all said and done. By pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone you expand your comfort zone considerably and are more likely to enjoy other things throughout the day just a bit more.
I don’t know what my goal will be this year but I definitely plan on keeping my virtual running trek across the US.
After the storm
Here is a picture of Tu at sunset at Windansea. The storm had just passed through and it was glorious.
Winter Dreaming
Tu and I in upstate New York. It was a very rural area with plenty of beautiful countryside.