Happy Birthday Tu

Posted on Sep 15, 2014 in Family

The Eery Similarity Between Ba7 and the Most Famous Rock and Roll Singer of All Time

Posted on Sep 14, 2014 in Family

This picture spooked me a bit. I never realized how similar Babay looked to his idol – Elvis.  This was taken at the famous Elvis Statue on Hollywood Blvd.


The Cults Burn Down San Diego with Awesomeness and We Didn’t Need No Water So We Let the MotherF’r Burn.

Posted on Sep 14, 2014 in Family


Maddie and The Cults were back in town for a show at the 91X street festival in North Park.  And boy was it wild.  By the end of the night, even Mom had to throw up in the streets.  Now thats a Party.

Before the show kicked off, the promoter asked Geno to help announce The Cults. Imagine that, little Geno in front of thousands of people announcing The Cults!

But he said, “No, I have to practice my football stance”, and he went back to the parking lot and ran some football drills which I must say he nailed.


For the third time, in as many years, I found myself backstage, and onstage with the Cults living my dreams vicariously though Maddie.

There I was. Like the 5th Beatle.  At one point, I almost grabbed the Mic and yelled.  “HELLLLLOOOO SAN DIEEEEEGOOOO, CAN I HEAR YOU SCREAM!”. But I had my camera. And quietly too shots from afar..And it was fantastic.


Of course Maddie looked beautiful and the whole band sounded great.  Danny watched from the backstage, and you could just see the pride shining through.


And my beautiful Tu , looked beautiful too, as she toddled on her Two Tone, iPhone.


And the fans went crazy.  Just crazy for the Cults.


And the after party.  Lets not even talk about what a Gala Affair that turned out to be.  Because it was wild and went on until the wee hours of the semi-early evening (about 9:45 or so).  If you want to see a few more pictures hop over the link – The Cults Burn Down San Diego.


cults8 cults9 cults10 cults11

Have a Bitchin Night

Posted on Sep 13, 2014 in Family

Vinh, hanging out in front of a beach mural, thinking to himself, “Americans are crazy.”


Apple Time

Posted on Sep 12, 2014 in photography


With the release of the new iPhone, we figured it was time to celebrate Apple Season.  So we headed to Julian to pick apples like a couple of honkey donkey honkey-donks.  It was a fun afternoon.  But it was hot.  And there were Apples!


Apples were $10 a bag.  You could pick as many as you could fit in the bag.  That meant that we had to stuff the bag to over-flowing.  The Vietnamese will try to find the greatest bargain so every additional apple we could stuff in that bag made the bargain even better.


You find the good apples in the Orchard by walking far away down the orchards where no one will go but the crows.  There you will find apples all over the tree that no one has picked.


Tu loves fruit.  She always begs me to stop the car so she can steal fruit off trees.  She said thats what you do in Vietnam and no one minds.  Not here though because Farmers have shotguns.


We also stopped by a lake so Vinh could dip his toes in the lake to cool off.  It was a nice day for the Julian Apple Pickers.


Life is Better at the Beach

Posted on Sep 11, 2014 in Family

Mabay at the Beach.  They are leaving tomorrow back to New York.


Taking a Ride

Posted on Sep 8, 2014 in photography

Dad loved to drive and he had collected hundreds of Model Cars.  We took some pictures and some of us could swear we saw his face happily driving his car.
