Apple Time

Posted on Sep 12, 2014 in photography


With the release of the new iPhone, we figured it was time to celebrate Apple Season.  So we headed to Julian to pick apples like a couple of honkey donkey honkey-donks.  It was a fun afternoon.  But it was hot.  And there were Apples!


Apples were $10 a bag.  You could pick as many as you could fit in the bag.  That meant that we had to stuff the bag to over-flowing.  The Vietnamese will try to find the greatest bargain so every additional apple we could stuff in that bag made the bargain even better.


You find the good apples in the Orchard by walking far away down the orchards where no one will go but the crows.  There you will find apples all over the tree that no one has picked.


Tu loves fruit.  She always begs me to stop the car so she can steal fruit off trees.  She said thats what you do in Vietnam and no one minds.  Not here though because Farmers have shotguns.


We also stopped by a lake so Vinh could dip his toes in the lake to cool off.  It was a nice day for the Julian Apple Pickers.
