More Adorable Darla in Yellow Summer Dress
Another rare treat – Elizabeth and Darla were in town for the weekend so we get to see them and catch up with all that they are up to. We saw Darla at the BBQ Pit in National City and she came dressed in yellow summer dress and matching walking shoes. And in her Yellow shoes Darla was all set to walk – and that is just what she did – she walked all over the entire BBQ inside and outside talking to every table she came upon.
Wearing an adorable yellow summer dress and matching shoes – Darla was ready to walk. And she did just that – practically running I must say.
Sure she fell a few times, but she always got back up and clapped for herself. She clapped for herself every time she fell down.
Another fall and let’s all give ourselves a round of applause.
Darla has seriously discovered the sheer joy of walking. It can be loads of fun and makes it easier to get to more places.
We were really hoping this grass was clean because she kept rolling around all over it. But look at that smile.
Meanwhile, back in the restaurant Darla carries on a lively conversation on her cell phone paper plate. Good gossip among girls. Much was discussed – Darla was stunned at some of what was said by her good friend – and amused at other times.
Darla tried quite a variety of the cuisine that night. She had a little ketchup, some mustard, bread, french fries, beef, cupcakes, struddle, potato salad, pepsi, water. She wanted something called “ladi ladi ladi ladi ladi” and kept pointing in the direction of somewhere else. We never did figure out what it was actually.
Pretty much pooped out by the end of the evening and ready to call it quits. Goodbye Darla, we’ll see you again tomorrow. Perhaps we can go to the beach?