Symmetrical Geno

Posted on Apr 14, 2014 in Family

This is what Geno would look like with two right hand sides of his face.


Kids Parties

Posted on Apr 13, 2014 in Family

Brian, Sheila and Paige

Posted on Apr 13, 2014 in Family

A day at the beach taking photos and getting ready for the new baby.  I spent last Saturday afternoon taking pictures for my good friends. It was quite the afternoon and Paige is getting so big!


She might be tiny, but she is HUGE in Japan

Posted on Apr 7, 2014 in Family

Halsey was featured in Japan.  This cute pic which was quite appropriate given her name.  Lots of Hearts


Nice little picture of Dad and Mom

Posted on Apr 4, 2014 in Family

Here is a nice little picture of Dad and Mom.  This made Dad very happy.


Happy Bappy Baby

Posted on Apr 4, 2014 in Family

In London, a Bap is a Sandwich.  In the US on any given Sunday in March a “Bappy” is a Baptism and on this given Sunday it was a Happy Bappy for Baby Camille.  It was quite a nice event which began with a brunch prepared by Top Chef Danny McKenna followed by a beautiful ceremony in a small church.

I can’t say little Camille enjoyed the actual ceremony but she did love the bits where she got to yank out her brother Geno’s hair.  Her least favorite bits were the part where she had to get splashed with water and oil.  I don’t remember getting splashed with that much water and oil in other ceremonies but they certainly did it right at this one.  If you want to check out the gallery of all the pictures you can find the here – Camille’s Baptism.

lovely-baby-and-bro almost-done lovely-food genomoment sad-moment funny-moment lovely-baby lovelymoment

Wonderful News Arrives in a Surprising Email

Posted on Apr 2, 2014 in Family

I received an email today with some wonderful news.  One of the orphans in Vinh Long Orphanage was adopted by a family in Canada.  The boy An Thuan was just a baby when we first met him.  He was born with a cleft pallet.


It was Christmas Eve when we met An Thuan two years ago.  We were there dropping presents off for the kids.  He was a sweet boy but he needed a good home.  Which is what made the letter I received today all the moreremarkeable.

The Letter I received
Bonjour Mr McKenna My name is Julie St-Amand and my husband and I live in the wonderful province of Québec, in Canada.You don’t know about it, but this summer, we saw your work for the first time. You photographed and filmed a beautiful boy in Vinh Long orphanage. This beautiful boy was going to be our son soon.  Well, I have the hapiness to announce to you that the baby with a cleft and palate defect has been adopted less then a month ago and is now a  proud canadian. He is the little boy you filmed in your video and is the baby with the gift “An Thuan” next to him in your pictures.I’m writting you for two reasons:  my husband and I would like to buy any pictures you have from him (even bad ones) and we would appreciate if you have any memories of your contact with him (anecdotes, stories). We don’t have any information about him other than administrative or related to his adoption. I hope to find any little information that could make him smile later on.Any information, or small detail would be incredible!Thank you so much and I hope to hear from you!
The Blessing

I was so happy to receive the letter and so happy for the family and for An Thuan.  It reminded me of how special photography is, how important it is and how lucky I am to have it as a hobby.  Congratulations An Thuan!
