Happy Bappy Baby

Posted on Apr 4, 2014 in Family

In London, a Bap is a Sandwich.  In the US on any given Sunday in March a “Bappy” is a Baptism and on this given Sunday it was a Happy Bappy for Baby Camille.  It was quite a nice event which began with a brunch prepared by Top Chef Danny McKenna followed by a beautiful ceremony in a small church.

I can’t say little Camille enjoyed the actual ceremony but she did love the bits where she got to yank out her brother Geno’s hair.  Her least favorite bits were the part where she had to get splashed with water and oil.  I don’t remember getting splashed with that much water and oil in other ceremonies but they certainly did it right at this one.  If you want to check out the gallery of all the pictures you can find the here – Camille’s Baptism.

lovely-baby-and-bro almost-done lovely-food genomoment sad-moment funny-moment lovely-baby lovelymoment