Laguna Beach and the Smiling Dolphins

Posted on Feb 16, 2014 in Family

We headed in the car today and went up to Laguna Beach.  What a beautiful place it is to walk around and just enjoy the coast.  Here is Tu, in front of an aquarium with 6 real live dolphins posing behind her.  I managed to perfectly time the shot when they were all smiling at the camera (including Tu)


Happy Valentines Day from Isabella

Posted on Feb 15, 2014 in Family

We got to spend Valentines night with Michelle, Bill and Isabella. Check out the video

Surfer at Sunset

Posted on Feb 13, 2014 in photography

Surfer heading to the water at 5:00 for a little after work fun.


Adult Crash Record Launch

Posted on Feb 10, 2014 in Music

Adult Crash, Chula Vista’s very own original g’s of Straight Edge, released their long-awaited album last week at Standards Records in Vista.  It was quite a show.    The album was the result of a lot of work by the guys and you can definitely hear it.  The songs were tight and they played with a ton of energy as always.

Check out one of my favorite songs on the Album “Out of Control”.

Bird High Above the Sunset

Posted on Feb 9, 2014 in photography

Bird soaring very high above the setting sun.


The Abandoned Homes of HellHole Canyon are the Devils Den

Posted on Feb 6, 2014 in photography


“You don’t want to go down that road there” she advised us as we rolled down our window of the truck, “the guy down there has a shotgun and you’ll find yourselves in trouble”.  “You best stick to the main roads”.  When we inquired about the “abandoned and derelict” homes that we had read about in Hidden San Diego, she claimed to have “never heard of any such place” even though we suspected it was less than a mile away and she appeared to be a long-time local.

30 minutes later we were heading up Calle De Encinas Ct when we rolled down our window to ask a couple walking by about this mysterious old commune that we heard was in the area. We asked if there were “Abandoned Homes” in the area one of them quickly spoke up, “Oh No.  You haven’t heard?  That was a big scam.  There are no abandoned homes.  Whatever you read on the internet or the San Diego Reader was a lie”.

We ended up leaving Calle De Encinas Ct against our own hunches and drove all the way to HellHole Canyon Preserve thinking that was the best trail to start our exploration.  The Rangers there had never heard of any such place at all.

I certainly was getting more intrigued by the minute.  Whatever was around here, the locals really didn’t want us exploring the area but these were public trails so we were determined to keep up our search.

What the Hell is HellHole?

You can read the whole story of the Bloody Massacre of HellHole Canyon right here, but as legend has it HellHole got its name in 1870.  Maria Sutter, a woman of German descent, who lived on Paradise Mountain, reportedly gave Hell Hole its name when she looked down from her home at the top of the mountain and said of the canyon below, “It’s good for nothing, and in the summer it’s hot as you know where!”

HellHole is not a particular canyon,  rather it is a geographic location and its hot. Hot as Hell in the summer as far as I can tell from everything I had read about it.

HellHole is located in Valley Center, east of Escondido. If you’re going to venture out there, you best do it in the winter like we did when it was actually quite pleasant and spring like.    The people there like their privacy and they move there to get away from the city as far as I can tell.

HellHole Canyon is actually a pretty nice place to hike and explore but its very hot in the summer.


We Had Read Reports of Abandoned Homes from an Old Hippy Commune

We were originally intrigued by Hellhole because of this article that appeared in one of my favorite blogs called Hidden San Diego and you can read the post here.   These guys search all the coolest places for you to explore in San Diego and this one was at the top of the list in terms of being remote and kind of unknown.  Its an extremely useful site for local San Diegan’s looking to explore off the beaten path locations.  In any case,  we were on the hunt to find these abandoned homes.

Finally, We Locate a Promising TrailHead That We Believed Would Lead There

After about an hour of hunting around, we eventually located what we believed to be the trailhead.  It looked like the pictures we had seen of the location. The Trail starts off the very dead end of Calle De Encinas Ct  We were on the trail and I was making detailed notes and taking pictures every step of the way in case we needed to back trace later.


The trail was a bit confusing at first and you could get lost but there were lots of random markers that lead us to believe we were on the right track.


We also used our iPhones to keep gravitating towards the place where google maps showed the old broken down homes.


After 1.2 Miles Walking We Arrive at a Beautiful Oasis

After about 30 minutes of walking we finally came upon it.  We saw broken down shacks and trailers homes sitting in a shady meadow with a  creek running right through it.  I guess what was most surprising was the tranquil setting and the fact it was calm and quiet.  I could see why a hippie commune might have setup in this place.  It seemed quiet pleasant.

The tranquil view you come upon as you locate the homes.


An old motor home is stuck in a ditch, it never made it into the commune.


We could have stayed here for hours enjoying the beautiful area


A Devils Den

Upon closure exploration however all didn’t seem quite right with this place.  Retracing through the commune things looked a bit more sinister. Did the devil find work for idle hands here in the middle of this HellHole oasis ? Take for example the first abandoned graffiti-scrawled abandoned shack we found – it appeared to be a meth lab of some sort.

This is the first derelict property you will notice as you enter the compound.


Inside we found old chemical compound jugs, a bathtub, gloves, gas mask and yellow protective suits.  This was Walter White Season 1 Breaking Bad stuff.


I’ve seen enough Breaking Bad episodes to know that Gas Mask are used in the cooking process.


And this is the bath tub that they used to decompose bodies probably.  Notice the yellow overalls, there were about 5 pairs in this shack.


Old Trashed Homes, Trailers, and A Devils Heap of Oddities

Surely this place had been occupied by a fairly large group.  There were lots of homes and judging from some of the furnishings left out, I would have to imagine that these homes hadn’t been occupied for at least 10 years.  They’ve been sitting out here in the middle of nowhere slowly rotting like an old Ghost Town.

There was an electric pole down here. All the wires have been pulled out.


The place is strewn with trash, and lots of old washers.  An inordinate number of old washers in this commune.


 Obviously there must have been young babies here.


Remember that radio missing out of your old Ford Escort back in 1989? I think we found it.  You can pick it up if you want it back


The Hills Have Eyes

When you come to The Devils Den in Hellhole you get that creepy feeling that you are being watched.  I am not sure if we were but it sure felt like we were never really alone.  At one point not far from us we heard a pack of wild Coyotes start screaming.  It sounded a little too close for comfort.  I grabbed a stick for protection which I carried for the rest of the trip.

We got that creepy feeling we were being watched.  Every so often we would hear a branch or leaves rustle off in the distance.


The oddities here were sometimes mesmerizing, sometimes alarming


What happened here?  Why did everyone leave so suddenly?

Most of the old homes and trailers still had food (mostly cans inside).  It is bizarre that people just picked up and walked off.  Was this a meth lab that was broken up and people forced to leave?  Was there some event that caused people to abandon their homes?


Do people still live here?  Were they out for the day and we just happened to be rummaging through their homes?



This place was actually quite dangerous, the broken glass and the floors on most homes could cave in or crack.  You have to be careful


This scene reminded me of the movie, Into to The Wild where the guy goes to live off the grid, and later perishes.


There are lots of cans of foods.  The rats, raccoons and coyotes have not figured out how to open them up yet.


Why Would Someone Come Here?

I am pretty sure you might be curious why anyone would even want to go here.  Well, for starters it’s a cool place to explore while hiking.  And also it’s kind of quirky adventure to take for half a day.  It’s part of San Diego so I am always looking for cool new places to explore.

Finally I guess it makes a pretty cool backdrop for movies and or photos.   It’s not hard to imagine that someone might want to come out here to take pictures like we did.  I highly doubt this place will still be accessible in a few years.  Someone will put a fence up or block access or maybe they just won’t want people coming down here.

In any case, its open today and there are absolutely no signs anywhere that this is private property or the public is not allowed so it doesn’t seem like you would be breaking any laws.

If you want to see the full gallery of pictures you can see it here – Devils Den HellHole Canyon.

Geno Goes to Punk Show

Posted on Feb 4, 2014 in Family

Geno went to another all ages punk show in Vista at Standards Records on Saturday to see his Uncle Patrick. Uncle Patrick had a great record release party of which I am sure I will have some video to share shortly. Pretty cool night with the coolest kid in town.

Hanging out in front of Allen’s Alley.  Best Grits and Gravy in Town


I usually always get a shot of Geno in an alley before punk shows


Geno is getting ready for the show but it started way too late


Headphones are on, the show is about to begin


10 Surprising Things about My Dad

Posted on Jan 31, 2014 in Funny


Dad’s a character and that’s for sure. And I mean that in the most complimentary way. So many people live their lives in the middle of the road never venturing too far to either side.  My dad is not one of those people.  You are more likely to find him running full speed on one side of the road or the other but never, never in the middle.

A virtual legend in the city of Chula Vista you’ll often find him confiding his deepest secrets with strangers he’s just met or telling tales so tall that you’d swear that he’d heavily embellished reality.  And you’d be right.

I’d thought I’d share 10 surprising things about my Dad.  As funny, and sometimes strange as these things are to me, they must be even more strange and funny to people that have never met him.  To know him is to begin to understand why some of these wacky things just make total sense.  My dad is a creative person who sees the world much more differently than your average person.

He Rocks Harder than Anyone You Know

I was 12 at the time.  I woke up and my dad had cut holes in two of our trash cans, placed speakers  in them. positioned them outside his window and was blaring Black Sabbath at the absolute highest volume he could.  Iron Man was blaring and echoing through the whole neighborhood.  Imagine my surprise (and delight) to hear my dad being more rock and roll than even Ozzy Osborne.

I am not sure if I was more impressed by his engineering skills of creating a powerful amplification system with trash cans or the fact he was playing cool ass music out his window louder than I have ever heard in my life.

You see dad had a long running dispute with our neighbor who used to blast his buzz saw out early in the morning and wake the neighborhood up.  My dad was fighting fire with fire or in this case, fighting buzz saws with satanic heavy metal music.  The police eventually came and made us turn off the music but I must admit I got my first rock and roll lesson from my dad.

Incidentally, years later I used to put my guitar amps out of my dorm room window at St Mary’s College and play Van Halen licks on my guitar.  I suppose I adopted that technique from my dad.

My dad does not play trumpet because they don’t rock hard enough.


His Donut Skills Are Beyond your Realm of Comprehension

We had 12 kids in our family.  We used to sit around a big table on Sunday mornings and watch my dad methodically cut up a donut into 12 pieces, place it on a plate and then pass the plate from kid to kid, letting us each take 1 piece of donut.  When the plate made it’s way all around the big table, we would watch him cut up another donut into 12 pieces and start the process again.

The process would continue until all 12 donuts were gone.  We each eventually got what amounted to a whole donut it just took 12 trips around the table to get it.  This was not the most efficient way to eat a donut but for some reason it worked.

This is a donut cut into 12 pieces.  I will hazard to guess that you have never seen this before.


He Pays Taxi Drivers with Chickens

I woke up one morning and ran outside to check on our pet chicken “Eggatha” only to find that she was not there.   She would never wander far.  She was chicken.  Chickens are not great adventurers that pick up their little chicken belongings to explore the world.  They generally just peck at dirt and occasionally poop on dirt.

Later that day when we asked my dad about it he claimed that the chicken ran away.  I was heartbroken and literally ran outside and shed tears.  There was a brief moment I wasn’t sure how I could live the rest of my life without Eggatha there.  The feeling soon passed and so did the years.

When I turned 17 I learned the shocking truth and it was even stranger than a chicken running away from its home.  It turns out that after a night at the local pub my dad needed a cab ride home.  Upon arriving home, he discovered he had no money to pay the cab driver.  Being ever the resourceful fellow he went into the backyard, grabbed the chicken and convinced the cab driver to take the chicken in exchange for fare.

I am not sure if I was more shocked at our dad for giving away our beloved chicken or at the cab driver for taking it as payment.  In any case, “paying with chickens” has become part of my daily vocabulary now.

Dad used to pile all 12 of us in the car and take us to Knott’s Berry Farm for a dish of Rhubarb


He is Prone to Tell Egregious Stories to Make Someone Feel Good

My dad is prone to embellishing stories.  This is particularly true if he happened to be at his favorite bar – The Colony House which happened to be the case one infamous evening.

As my sister tells it, she had just finished up a date with a guy and told him that she was only interested in him as friends.  The guy was heartbroken and let my dad know this as he left our house.

My dad is always on the look-out for a willing ear and this heartbroken young lad seemed to be a guaranteed easy listener.  So my dad offered to take him to his favorite bar for a few drinks.  After several drinks my dad confided in the lad that my sister was “only being stand-offish” because she was terminally ill with cancer and expected only to live a matter of weeks.  My dad wanted the man not to feel so bad.  It wasn’t him at all.  It was my sister, not wanting to reveal the horrible truth and hurt this young guy.The story of course was blatantly false but that did not stop my dad from carrying it through to the fullest extent.

The night progressed, and of course they cried together for hours and over several more drinks, lamenting what was soon to be a world without someone they loved. The tears soon turned to big plans to somehow help Kathy during her final days.  The young man vowed that he would make Kathy’s last two weeks on earth memorable.

My sister was awoken early the next morning by my mother who advised Kathy that a young man was at the door waiting for her.   She got to the door and was greeted by the guy she had just let down the night before.

He got on one knee and proposed to her and told her he knew everything and that he did not care.  He wanted to live life to the fullest and make sure all her wildest dreams came true – even if it was only for two weeks.

 Dad is prone to heavy embellishments during story-telling (a typical Irish Trait that he has mastered)


He Claims (at Times) that His Father is Sing Lee a Chinese Immigrant that Settled in New York in 1940

My dad is Irish.  He could not pass for Chinese even in the darkest of rooms but at times he has been known to brag about his Chinese Father – Sing Lee.  Sing Lee owned a laundromat near his home in the Bronx and he had given my dad a job at some point.

Apparently, as he tells it, Sing Lee taught him how to fight (using Kung Fu of course) and it came in quite handy growing up on the streets of New York.  A few swift Karate Chops in the air are often added in to prove his point.

My dad had great admiration for Sing Lee


He Once Drove 5 Miles Backwards to Sell his Car When It Would Not Go Into Drive

My dad hates tow trucks.   He does not believe they are necessary.  There is no finer display of ingenuity than the time when he made the 5 mile trek from his home to the car dealer backwards in his car to avoid having it towed.  The car would not kick into drive so he merely put the car in reverse and made the drive apparently ducking up and down side streets to avoid police detection.  Two things happened that day that made him happy.  He sold the car.  He did not have to pay a tow truck driver.  Mission accomplished.

My dad did not let a faulty transmission stop him from getting his broken down station wagon to the the car dealer sans tow truck. This google map collage retraces his backward joy ride to the dealer.


He Fooled an Entire City with an Outlandish Story and Launched a Business that generated millions

My dad gathered my mom and few belongings and headed From New York out to California with nothing more than gas money in the early 1960’s.   With nothing to speak of beyond a great deal of creativity and an knack for story-telling he built a small mission style building with a  bell on top and proceeded to generate enormous New York style publicity with an outlandish tale of a historic bell that stood atop the building.  NewsPapers from all over San Diego County flocked and gave him free publicity.  The business went on to generate millions over the years and still stands there to this day supporting several families.  The agency he built is CSS Insurance – The Best and Most Affordable Insurance in San Diego if your in the market by the way.

Dad claimed Old #12 (the bell on top of his business) had roots back to the California Gold Rush


He Drives 100% of the Time with his Hazard Lights On

I usually do not condone over-use of Hazard Lights on the road but in the case of my dad I will make an exception.  To my dad,  Hazard lights are way of saying both  “Hello World, Here I am” and “Watch Out World I’m Coming Through”.  You can imagine how helpful this non-verbal cue can be on the road.  Keep an eye out for him.  He still rolls hard in a pimpin Caddie at 82 years of age.

 At one point my dad decided to keep the hazard lights on full time and has never looked back.


He Once Fed A Chicken Whiskey and Taught The Old Bird to Fight

Dad insisted that if we were to have a pet chicken than the chicken would be raised to be Irish.   In keeping with that, Eggatha did not have your traditional chicken type lifestyle.  In fact one day she hopped up on the table and began to drink up whiskey by pecking at it.

Within minutes sweet Eggatha had transformed from sweet lovable Eggatha into an angry drunk chicken.  She lashed out us, pecking and scratching.  We ran from the table in fear and she was left alone to continue her drunken escapades through the night.  We never let her hit the sauce again after that.

Dad once drove all 12 us down from the mountains in the pitch black of night in sunglasses because he forgot his reading glasses.  At times he had rely on verbal directions shouted to him from us in the back seat.


He has 36 Children and GrandChildren and Counting

Maybe the most surprising thing of all is just how many people are living here on this world thanks to him.  At present moment he fathered 12 Children of his own Grandfathered another 24.  Now that is quite an accomplishment and maybe the most surprising of all.

The fact is that each and everyone of us has a list of favorite stories about our dad.We laugh a lot about our dad’s stories because mostly we realize that there is a part of his quirky side that each of us has as well.  There is a book to be written here somewhere about one of the most original and unique people to walk the earth.

This is our table that we all sat around each night.  We ate dinner together every night and said prayers around this table before going to bed.  This was a routine.


An old family portrait with most us in younger years.


Thank you for reading the blog.  We have hundreds of more and similar stories of dad, if you would like to read more, let me know and we’ll come up with another post.