The Joy of the Season

Posted on Nov 29, 2013 in Family

It’s Christmas time again and Isabella is getting excited.  Its the first Christmas where she will get to see what its all about and she is looking forward to it.  “What exciting things will we do?  Will we get a Christmas Tree and decorate it?, ”  she says to herself.  And then she smiles.  She can’t wait.





A Public Services Announcement from Oliver

Posted on Nov 29, 2013 in photography

It’s Black Friday.  The most ironic day of the year when people rampage, groveling for more senseless stuff just hours after they give thanks for the things that really matter – love and family.  Thank you WalMart for your contribution to the decline of the American empire.

Oliver has a message for you.

rock on


Hey Jude

Posted on Nov 28, 2013 in Family

A sweet lullaby to welcome him into the world.


Life Lesson

Posted on Nov 27, 2013 in photography

life lesson1

An Honest Days Work

Posted on Nov 26, 2013 in Family

honest copy

Country Line Dancing is my New Passion

Posted on Nov 25, 2013 in photography

At long last my skills are good enough where I can announce to the world that I will be pursuing a new career – Country Line Dancing.  What started as a hobby has turned into a passion of mine.  When I’m not dreaming of Country Line Dancing, I am DOING Country Line Dancing.

I have several unique cowboy side-kicks that I will weave into every performance that gets a pretty good response.   I’ll be performing at Billy Shaddawk’s Saddle Emporium with the Binkery Boyz Troop next week in BullHead South Dakota.

Good times!

Line Dancing2

State Farm Insurance Polaroid Makes Hipsters Run for the Hills

Posted on Nov 25, 2013 in photography

It’s all business. Its called the State Farm Polaroid and it was made specifically for State Farm Insurance agents to take pictures of things that they were insuring.

I picked this little camera up for $20 and it was never used. In fact it looks like it was kept inside the original box that it was shipped to an agent in 30 years ago.

I like this camera because my family is mostly insurance agents so we have a long history of using Polaroids during the insurance process.  Now this camera is quirky, a bit ugly but I believe it is a super polaroid camera that I picked up for a screaming deal.  I am sure Polaroid Hipsters are running from this thing but I think its pretty cool.


The First Days of Jude Alic on What He Believes To Be Mars

Posted on Nov 24, 2013 in Funny

His name is Jude Alic Christie.  He was just born 2 weeks ago and he is getting used to his life here.  He believes he has landed not on earth, but on the planet mars because everything is so new and strange. These Martians,  they have big heads.  The say garbled things to him and they keep probing him.  He heard that’s what Martians do.  He has landed on Mars.  He is quite sure of it.

He likes this Martian a lot.  She seems sweet.


 He likes how she calls him butter and how she kisses him


He likes to sleep.  This girl like it when he is awake though to play.


“What the heck is this about?”,  Jude wondered quietly to himself.


Blah, these people are BORING sometimes Jude thinks.


“Am I the only one not having fun?” he says, “Everyone else, laughing. Me – not so much.”


“Thats so cool that me, pooping in my diaper can provide such entertainment.  You’re welcome very much.”, thinks Jude to himself.


She keeps saying to me, “You’re fine, you’re fine” but I’m just not buying it yet.


She seems sweet though.  And we color coordinate superbly so there’s hope.


If I could figure out this garbled code the speak, I might figure out just what they want from me. At the moment however, its highly confusing


This Martian lets me sleep. I’m not sure of her role in this whole thing, possibly Chief Martian Scientist because she’s always around.


I haven’t tried Chocolate yet.  When do I get that? sigh…


Day 14:  The Martians put me in Pajamas with Camels on it and had some device they called a “Camera” in my face for hours.


Martians are nice though.  This was a nice moment


The Chief Scientist also hugs me a lot.


I think I’ll stick around with these Martians.  That makes me a Martian too. Mars is going to be A-ok with me.


You can see the whole gallery of the Martians taking care of Jude here – Jude Alic