Sea Lane Beach Sunday
Tu and I headed to the beach for sunset pictures. I brought the tripod out and we had Selfie Sunday II. What a great day. I love Sundays.
Oh, Hello Baby Camille. You are just in time.
Baby Camille Caprice McKenna was born just in time. Her parents Danny and Camille were waiting, and waiting and waiting. She just stayed inside and we thought she was never going to come out and say hello. But she did. And she was a beauty.
And we now know why it took so long. Because she likes to sleep, and sleep and sleep. And dream of stuff. You know stuff that babies dream of. Like, .. well I am not sure.
And when she came to say hello, we thought she was going to be 10 pounds. But she wasn’t. She was just a small little thing. A tiny lovable package of goodness.
Geno was so happy that his sister arrived. He said he loves her so much and wishes that he could feed her. When he learned that boys cannot feed babies because they can’t give milk, he exclaimed, “What the heck are guys good for anyway?!”. Yes Geno, we still wonder this ourselves some time.
Well if you would like to see lots and lots of pictures of the beautiful one. You can. They are all right here- Beautiful Baby Camille Caprice.
Welcome to the world beautiful Camille Caprice McKenna. The most beautiful baby in the world!
The Story of the Butterfly
A man found a cocoon of a butterfly. One day a small opening appeared. He sat and watched the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to squeeze its body through the tiny hole. Then it stopped, as if it couldn’t go further.
So the man decided to help the butterfly. He took a pair of scissors and snipped off the remaining bits of cocoon. The butterfly emerged easily but it had a swollen body and shriveled wings.
The man continued to watch it, expecting that any minute the wings would enlarge and expand enough to support the body, Neither happened! In fact the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling around.
It was never able to fly.
What the man in his kindness and haste did not understand: The restricting cocoon and the struggle required by the butterfly to get through the opening was a way of forcing the fluid from the body into the wings so that it would be ready
for flight once that was achieved.
Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our lives. Going through life with no obstacles would cripple us. We will not be as strong as we could have been and we would never fly. This is the lesson that butterflies teach us.
Back, back, back in La Jolla
I spent the week in Ohio working away. It was nice, but it was no La Jolla. I am so glad to be back home. I took a little walk tonight and captured this around sunset.
I am not Jackie Chan Parade
I am not sure what this parade was all about but apparently Kevin Nash is not Jackie Chan.