In the Grove

Posted on Mar 9, 2013 in photography

Almond trees are blooming.

Tu is walking into the grove to look at the beautiful flowers bloom.

The bees were there too, pollinating the flowers.


Get your photograph noticed on Google Images

Posted on Mar 9, 2013 in photography

Over the last few months I have noticed something interesting about the hits on my blog.  Many of the referrals from Google are now coming from image search and not from keyword searches.

When someone does an image search on google for example and types in the word, “Times Square”, Google seems to actually use the file name of pictures on the internet as part of the return result criteria.  This means that pictures of Times Square that are called TimesSquare.jpg are very likely to get ranked higher in the image search.  This is good news if you want to get your photo noticed because oftentimes people upload their photographs on their sites under cryptic names and not of what the picture is of.  Your picture will stand out if it actually is descriptive about what is in it.  I have tried it in the past and it works and if your going to be posting photos anyway, why not call it something descriptive?

So if you want to get your photograph ranked on Google Images the key is to name your image file as descriptive as possible of what is in the image. I believe it works.

This picture is entitled “Best Running Pictures.JPG”.   I am going to test my theory with this picture to see if it actually gets ranked.

best running pictures

The QuickCollar KickStarter Project

Posted on Mar 9, 2013 in photography

My friends Kenney and Trevor wanted to put together a video to kickstart investment for an awesome product called the QuickCollar.  The Quick Collar was invented by Kenney and it is basically a self inflating life ring that can be used to extract people from dangerous waters in tragic situations.

The Quick Collar is an amazing piece of ingenuity and engineering.  I do believe it is the next generation Life Ring that today sits on most boats and docks in the world.  I was really proud to be part of this project and hope that Kenney Pierce can raise many of thousands of dollars to get this project kickstarted.

Check out the video.  An amazing story and an amazing new invention.

Are you Kitten? Darla’s Second Birthday!

Posted on Mar 7, 2013 in Family

How time flies!  It seems as if just yesterday I was taking newborn pictures of a beautiful baby girl named Darla and now, I am sitting here taking pictures of a cute little 2 year old girl.  You really have to appreciate all of the moments because in a flash- they grow up.

Now Darla’s parents are never satisfied with a typical birthday party.  Their goal is to  throw the Woodstock of Birthday Parties every year for Darla.  You remember posters for big rock concerts?  Well, Darla has handcrafted posters for her parties.  Lucky girl.  Lucky Ducky girl indeed.  Check out all the shots in my gallery of the best party of all time – Darla’s Woodstock Party.


What promised to be an epic party, was just that and more – an epic party with family, friends, pizza, gluten free treats and multiple cakes.  What a day.  What made it most special was all the people that attended.  Grandparents, Parents, Sons, Daughters, Cousins, Aunts, Uncles and Friends – everyone was there to see Darla on her special day.





Darla was so happy.  Darla is always happy though when there is a party.  So full of life.  And what better way to celebrate a birthday then in a fairy outfit.  Aunt Bridget brought the cutest fairy outfit.  It had wings.  It had a dress. And a magic wand so Darla could enchant everyone.  She stood in the mirror, barely able to believe how nice she looked.




And how about all her cousins? Were they looking cutie-pie too?  I don’t know.  You be the judge.  I just take the pictures.  You make the analytical assessments.





No Woodstock party is ever complete if someone does not pass out from all the fun.  And someone did pass out.


And you can’t expect Darla to get it all for free right?  She has got to do something to earn all of these parties.  So Liz made sure to get her daily ride in the wheelbarrow all around the yard.  In many ways it was a typical day full for laborious chores for Darla.


Yet, when all was said and done.  She had fun. Darla did have fun.


But still sad to say goodbye. Goodbye when all was through and done.  We miss you Darla!


Man on Wire

Posted on Mar 5, 2013 in photography

I was up in San Clemente and I saw a couple of guys at the beach doing something pretty interesting.  They had strung up a bit of heavy duty strap and were tight rope walking between two palm trees.  I captured some cool photos on my fisheye that you can catch here – Man on Wire.  Or just browse some of my favorites here.






Photos of Beautiful Sea Glass

Posted on Mar 5, 2013 in photography

You find on the beach.  It’s weathered by the sun, rocks, salt, ocean water. It’s frosty.  It’s colorful. It’s beautiful. You can see many pictures of Sea Glass in Michelle’s Sea Glass Gallery by clicking this link- Michelle’s Sea Glass Gallery – or you can just browse the few I posted here.


Sea Glass starts off as non sea glass.  Probably from bottles, mostly from bottles actually.  When you find a piece of sea glass do you find yourself wondering what type of bottle it came from?  Do you find yourself thinking about how old it is?  I do.  Sea Glass can take you back in time and make you wonder.


Sea Glass comes in many colors.  The most common colors are green and clear.  When you find a piece of blue sea glass it’s probably from Milk of Magnesia bottles from many many years ago.  Blue sea glass is rare but it is beautiful.  What makes sea glass so beautiful is the many colors and variety.  Sea Glass is like snow flakes.  No two pieces of sea glass are exactly the same.


 People collect sea glass to make jewelry or just like they would collect shells – to have something beautiful from the sea.  Sea Glass is the perfect way to decorate your nice little seaside cottage.  If you don’t have a  seaside cottage then you can put the pieces you find in a jar by your bed.  You can dream of being back at the beautiful sea when you look at the sea glass there by your bed.


Sea Glass can be found where small little pebbles wash up on the beach.  The best sea glass is found on pebbly little beaches.  You push the pebbles to the side and look for something shiny.  It takes awhile to see the glass but once you figure it out, you can find lots of sea glass – enough to fill up a small little jar.



The best sea glass in the world is found in Bermuda, California, Northwest England, Northeast United States, Mexico, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Nova Scotia, Italy and Australia.  When you go to beaches in these places, look for some rocky coastline and small patches of beaches where there are lots of pebbles. I bet you will find some sea glass.  Can you imagine taking some beautiful sea glass home with you from your vacation.  It’s better than a T-Shirt.


Do you remember many years ago when the world pushed to stop littering?  Well that was a good thing.  But it also means less sea glass.  Sea Glass is becoming more rare and harder to find because people are not throwing their bottles into the ocean or on to beaches.  Less sea glass means that it is more valuable.


 My brother and his wife walked up and down the beaches of San Diego collecting sea glass for many years.  They filled up jar after jar of beautiful sea glass.  Hundreds and hundreds of pieces of sea glass sit in jars in their seaside cottage waiting for a project to put them to good use – like these photos, or maybe someday they will be used to line the walls of a bathroom or shower.  That would be quite pretty I think.


Please have a look at some more sea glass photos in my gallery.  You can see all of Michelle’s Sea Glass pictures in this gallery.  We’ll keep looking for more sea glass.  You should too.  Michelle’s Sea Glass Gallery.


East LA Vatos Especial

Posted on Mar 4, 2013 in Family

Check out my Vato Sister and her Vato Husband kickin it with the homies in LA.

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Yosemite the Beautiful

Posted on Mar 4, 2013 in Family, photography

We made the trip to see Aaron, Gem and the cute, cute, cute Chet.    What a beautiful weekend that we chose to make the trip and it was non-stop action packed fun.  Well, that’s because Aaron and Gem were such gracious host to us and drove us all the way up.

I didn’t think little Chet would be able to make the trip but what do you know he just smiled the whole time.  Even when we were in the car for hours.  I mean Chet is the best little baby ever.

Chet was so accommodating to us, letting us dress him up like a week little baby bear (and) also maybe taking some pictures of him reading a bible among other things.  I posted a gallery of all the pictures on the site which you can see here –   Yosemite the Beautiful .

Here are some of my favorites from the trip.  And thank you Aaron and Gem.









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