Some black and white portraits of Geno

Posted on Sep 12, 2012 in photography

I haven’t been taking enough black and white photographs lately and that’s a shame because I really love black and white photography.  Well Geno came to the rescue and provided me a great opportunity to take some black and white photos of him.  You actually never shoot in black and white anymore now that film is gone so I guess the only thing that I am doing is processing the photos with some black and white software that I purchased.  It’s called Silver EFEX Pro and it’s pretty much the best software that you can out there for black and white processing.

Geno, as always has been a great model.

Make your photos look like Instagram

Posted on Sep 11, 2012 in photography

Everyone loves Instagram.  Instagram became extremely popular because they developed a standard set of filters that could instantly be applied to photographs taken on a smart phone and make them appear to be very vintage and cool.  They basically created the Polaroid of the new generation by making people’s smart phones like polaroid cameras.  Instead of waiting for the cool photos to be developed however , those little heavily retro’d square photos could be shared with everyone on the internet.  Some professional photographers feel that Instagram debases photography by making even crappy photos look good. I disagree however and think that Instagram is very powerful because it gives people a way of capturing their memories in a beautiful way.

I created a quick tutorial that you can use to help achieve that Instagram look in photoshop for all your other photos.  It’s a simple 3 step process that anybody can do  with virtually any picture to make it look more vintage and cool.

Geno turns 6

Posted on Sep 7, 2012 in Family

Happy Birthday to the best little boy in the world – Geno.  Well he is not a little boy anymore and is growing up so quickly.  What a fun time we had at his birthday party!

World Record

Posted on Sep 7, 2012 in Family

Tonight was Geno’s birthday.  As a special treat, we decided to do something quite rare and wonderful for him.  Watch and enjoy history in the making.

Sea Lane Skimboard

Posted on Sep 5, 2012 in photography

Sunset was beautiful tonight.  The beach was calm.  The tourist have left.  The locals have the beach all to themselves again.


Posted on Sep 4, 2012 in photography

The last beach stop north out of San Diego is the beautiful city of Oceanside.  Oceanside is north, north San Diego and just south of Camp Pendleton where Marines train.  Oceanside was packed today as people were taking advantage of the last day of summer.  The pier in Oceanside is the longest pier in California and it stretches out about a half mile into the Pacific.  Oceanside is another great San Diego beach.

Summer Goodbyes

Posted on Sep 3, 2012 in Family

Labor Day, the first monday in September has come and with it summer says it’s last goodbyes.  Kids go back to school, and the streets of La Jolla get a little less crowded as the tourist season ends.  The only way to really celebrate Labor Day is at the beach and with a BBQ, and we did both.  It was a beautiful day and somehow it doesn’t seem possible that summer is ending when it really felt like it just begun.

Geno laughs as we sit under an umbrella at Children’s Pool. The water was warm today.

Danny on the beach. He had wanted to take Geno to Children’s Pool for a long time.  Geno was frightened to go in the water today. Maybe next time.

Geno relaxes on Camille’s lap in his hipster shades thinking about all the great times he had this summer.

Summer is about breaking out the hose and shooting each other with water.  That’s the way it has always been.

There is something about getting sprayed by a hose on a hot summer day that is even more exciting than jumping in a pool.

So refreshing and so cooling.

 What could get more perfect than the sound of an ice cream truck rolling down the street. Ice Cream Sandwich time.

So tired.  What a fun day. Goodbye summertime.

Church Mouse Marlin Invitational Aerial Photos

Posted on Sep 1, 2012 in photography

The 22nd  Church Mouse Marlin Invitational just finished in Catalina this last weekend and it was a massive success.  Bill McKenna, my brother and owner of Sea Hunt Yacht which is moored in Catalina took some aerial photos of various boats that participated in this annual event.

If you participated in the tournament, congratulations.  If we managed to catch your vessel on the final day, you can find your photos by paging through the gallery link below.  The full resolution photos can be downloaded by selecting the download icon which appears on the right hand side of the photo. Enjoy.