The Kid Just Loves Bieber

Posted on Jul 13, 2015 in Family

What can I say, James just loves Justin Bieber tunes.  They say when you listen to a song, that after a awhile you start to look like the singer.  I don’t know, what do you think?


American Kid

Posted on Jul 12, 2015 in Family

Frankie and James were in the hospital only 3 short years ago today.  Now look at these happy kids.


A Broken Arm is Just A Walk in the Park for Oliver

Posted on Jul 12, 2015 in Family







A Walk in Westminster London

Posted on Jul 11, 2015 in Travel

I finished work Friday evening and it was a real pleasant summer evening in London.  It was warm for a change and that rarely seems to be the case here.  So I just started walking.  I think I must have walked 10 miles.   I didn’t want to sit in the cab on such a nice night.


The park is a place where all the city people in London go to get away


There is a beautiful lake in the middle of London

Walking back home.  A White Taxi


Commuters coming back after a long week of work


The Tower of London with people lounging along the river


This guy walking too


Pictures Around London

Posted on Jul 7, 2015 in Travel

In London for some work this week but got a couple of hours to take a long walk along the Thames.

The Thames is a long river that runs along the whole city and they built a walkway so you can literally walk the whole city by the River.

Some of the most iconic sites in London are along the river.  The weather was a perfect 70 degrees and sunny which is unusual for London.  I think I lucked out because last week was brutally hot here.

London1 London2 London3 london4 London5 london6

Kiddy Pool Jesus

Posted on Jul 5, 2015 in Family


Burgers and Cig’s

Posted on Jul 5, 2015 in Family

burgers-and-cigs2 (1)

The Tip of Point Loma

Posted on Jul 5, 2015 in photography

One of my favorite Point Loma pictures. The tip of Point Loma with the lighthouse.

point loma