Party Farter

Posted on Jul 3, 2015 in Music

Sailors Delight

Posted on Jun 30, 2015 in photography


Lemons and Flowers

Posted on Jun 30, 2015 in Family

We were going to feed the ducks.  Darla, Jude and Isabella.  Darla had a bag of bread, and Jude brought a Lemon for the ducks.



Before we got to the ducks, Darla stopped to pick some flowers.  She ripped a big handful out from the nice display and we all, “Oh my!” hoping none of the staff noticed her ripping out a handful of flowers.  Darla said, “These are for my mom”


The ducks loved the food.  Darla dumped all the whole hot dog buns on the ground when we got to the ducks.  The ducks preferred small pieces, not whole hot dog buns!  So Isabella knew what to do and she made small pieces for the ducks.  None of the ducks liked the lemon.


Darla fed the ducks too but she held on the flowers real tight.  Bit by bit, though, the flowers started to wilt.  She didn’t let them go though.  She held on tight


This was a bad duck.  He tried to bite me when I went to feed it.  It scared me but ducks are mean sometimes.


Then we went to play on the swings.  Darla asked Jude to hold the flowers for her.  He did, but then he decided he would pull some of the flowers off.  The flowers for her mom started to get smaller and smaller.  She said, “No Jude”, don’t take all the flowers off.  Jude didn’t seem to know any better.  After all he did bring a lemon to feed the ducks right?  He’ll learn.


Darla forgave Jude and said, thats ok, I still love you, and he was happy.  And when she went to hug him she smashed the flowers even more.


We got home and Darla still had the flowers.  She put on her pajamas and crawled into bed.  She looked at her flowers.  They were almost all gone.  They didn’t look at all like when she had picked them.  But she didn’t care.  She said, I’m going to hold these all night and give them to my mom tomorrow.  Good Girl Darla.


A Blue Envelope Seaside Vacation

Posted on Jun 28, 2015 in Family

Mom broke out the magical blue envelope last week and treated the family to an ocean front paradise on the shores of beautiful coastal La Jolla.  The village by the sea and home as I like to call it.  You can check out the full gallery of pictures here – La Jolla Shores 2015.

There was a bonus party for Little Camille’s Birthday too.


We used to top off on Uncle Harry’s card for free burgers here.  We’re passing the tradition down to the next generation.


We had fun, Geno got funstroke and grew a head of seaweed hair.


Looking good Jude.  What fun we had!


Grandma Mary made this all possible.


We finished the week off with a birthday for Little Camille!


Charlie is a cool cat.  Always has been.


Spending a week at the beach is relaxing.


Lucy didn’t want pictures because she got a sunburn, but she said ok to this one.


Darla didn’t mind a little sand on her face.


I challenged Little Frankie to a leg competition and he got very made when I sang a song about how I had better legs than him.leggoff

Things got crazy at the party.


We had a great week.  Thank you Grandma, and Thank you Blue Envelope!

mila say’s

Posted on Jun 27, 2015 in Family


Sam Seagull is At it Again

Posted on Jun 27, 2015 in Family


She is 2 Years Old

Posted on Jun 26, 2015 in Family

Beach Girl

Posted on Jun 26, 2015 in Family

Cowabunga Isabella.  What time is it?  It’s surf time!

cowabunga cowabunga2