Rainy Day’s Coming
I woke up this morning and I could hear the rain pounding on the street outside. It isn’t very often that you get to hear rain here in La Jolla so it was something different and actually a bit odd considering that we just had 100 degree clear blue skies on the beach just days earlier. When I went outside, I noticed it was cold outside which is also odd but apparently a real cold front is marching through California and expected to bring some heavy snows into the mountains. Winter has finally arrived and this is our first cold front to move through San Diego this winter. There might not be too many more but you never know.
By mid-day it was quite beautiful but chilly. I took my camera out after lunch and went down to the Cove to see how things looked down there. The cove had more seals than I have ever seen there. There was not one grain of sand left for them to camp out on. The beach was maximum capacity – apparently the rough waters made them tired and they needed to come in for a nice long rest. Well it will rain again tonight so maybe I’ll get to hear the sounds of rain drops again tonight.