A Photographer I Met in North Carolina

Posted on Dec 9, 2013 in photography

I was walking around Raleigh and I met a photographer.  He gave me pointers of where to go with my camera to get nice shots.  When I have my camera, I am able to meet interesting people.


A Visit to Raleigh

Posted on Dec 9, 2013 in photography

I visited Raleigh this week during a business trip.  It’s a beautiful city.

Raleigh Small

A Horse, of Course

Posted on Dec 8, 2013 in photography

I stopped by the side of the road and this horse came running from far away to say hello to me.  He ran right up to the fence. I think he wanted a carrot but he didn’t say so I could only guess.  He stayed there.  I had no carrots to give him but I took a picture.  He didn’t seem to mind.

I hadn’t actually eaten all day. I think he was nibbling on grass on all day or whatever he could find.  It was 2pm.  This horse was hungry, but he only got this picture.


27 Degrees in Cincinnati (And Beautiful)

Posted on Dec 8, 2013 in Travel

My toes.  I could not feel them anymore.  My thin canvas converse were no match for the wet and cold snow that was melting all around my feet.   I started to run faster, my camera bouncing off my back, feeling a momentary panic as I recalled a scene from “Into Thin Air” where they talked about mountain climbers losing their toes to frost bite.

This is the wooded area that I ran back through.  It was beautiful, misty and sometimes sunny which lighted the path back to the car.  I turned the heater on full blast to warm my toes.


The trees were lightly dusted with snow.  The blue sky and sun made it seem warmer than 27 degrees.


Every step I took made my shoes more wet and my toes more cold, but it was beautiful.


In the summer, this place must be nice to walk around.  In winter many people walk around too.


I imagined walking through here with Tu.  She would wear her boots and Pea Coat.


The path got colder. Tomorrow it will rain, very cold rain and turn much of this to ice.


Each step of my foot made a scrunch sound in the snow.  It’s a sound we all know.


A Beautiful Church on the Side of 301 South

Posted on Dec 7, 2013 in photography

I took country road 301 South yesterday.  A long, two lane road through the deep south of Eastern Carolina.  It was as you might expect – beautiful and very rural.  This Church was off on its own miles from anything.  Beautiful wispy blue skies behind created the perfect picture opportunity.


The Lonely Sea

Posted on Dec 1, 2013 in photography


2 Bird Morning

3 waits man



6oliver looking


8ollie and dad

9BDS_0308 copy

10 1pm

11 230 pm

12 330

13 430

14not me



Posted on Nov 30, 2013 in photography

lets go somewhere

James in Gold Chain Reaching for my Strobe

Posted on Nov 29, 2013 in Family

James, wearing his gold chain, grabbed for my strobe light just as I was taking a picture of him.  This is the result.
