Isabella Got Baptized Today

Posted on Dec 12, 2016 in Family

I was the GodFather of a special ceremony today.  Isabella’s Baptism!   It was in La Jolla at Mary Star of the Sea and It was beautiful.  Everyone came over to the house afterward to eat food and Bobby and John drank Pepsi shots and ate twinkies.



A Little Lad

Posted on Dec 6, 2016 in Family

One of the few pictures we have all together.  We’ll take more.  But it’s hard since I am always the guy behind the camera, not in front.


Finn Loves the Fall

Posted on Dec 4, 2016 in Family

Finn Tu and I went for a visit to the park yesterday.  Finn loved the colors of the leaves on the tree.  Finn loves Fall.  He cannot wait for Christmas.

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Train Ride

Posted on Nov 27, 2016 in Family

Darla had her first overnight without her mom.  Erin took Halsey, Darla and Ford on Amtrak to San Diego.  Aunt Bridget took them to Nordstrom’s and bought them an early Christmas gift.


Thanksgiving 2016

Posted on Nov 26, 2016 in Family

It’s Thanksgiving week, so that means lots of the family is down visiting beautiful San Diego.  As the family grows larger – now 26 grandkids – the holidays just get more fun and exciting.   You can check out all the photos from this year’s Thanksgiving here – Thanksgiving 2016 Gallery.

This year was  a 2 part extravaganza at the Yacht Club followed by a trip to the tidepools.  Patrick had big plans for a massive hike to the tide pools to build up an appetite but several things inhibited his grand plans.  1) we had already eaten, 2) most of the girls had high heels on and 3) no one really wanted to hike.

So Patrick’s big hike was reduced to a 50-foot walk out of the parking lot to get a view of the cliffs. It was a great and fun Thanksgiving as always.

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The Epic Run

Posted on Nov 26, 2016 in Family

Pete and Patrick were talking about the old Sylvester Stallone scene in Rocky 3 when he is training with Apollo Creed and they sprint race each other on the beach. It’s a classic scene from maybe one of the best Rocky Movies.

Patrick challenged Pete to a sprint race.  But Pete was reluctant, saying that he had not run in many years.  But everyone started chanting and yelling for them to have the race.

After what seemed an eternity.  Pete and Patrick lined up for a 20-yard race (if that).  They sat at the starting line for a few minutes and finally Irish called the start, “Ready, Set, Go”

And they were off.  The race was neck to neck the whole way.  Patrick started pulling ahead and Pete launched his afterburner and caught up.  Which turned out to be a mistake he realized as he heard is hamstring pop.

That was it.  The race was over.  It was a tie.  But Pete’s Hammy sure hurts today.


Cool Peeps

Posted on Nov 25, 2016 in Funny

The show for kids, by kids. A safe zone for progressive ideas where no dumb old people are parents are allowed.