I Discovered an Exciting New Band

Posted on Apr 16, 2016 in Music

I am really excited to share with you a new find.  I discovered a new band last night.  It’s a Husband and Wife Duet that sings soft rock love songs.  They haven’t performed in many years but they have stayed tried to true to their original sound they developed many years ago. The bands name is Fandango and their Album Love Chariot was released awhile back.  We’ll see if I can dig up an old video of them.


Inspirational Quotes From Beautiful People

Posted on Apr 15, 2016 in Funny

I am starting a new series called, Inspirational Quotes from Beautiful People.  I hope you can derive a few life lessons from these accomplished men and woman.  The gallery will be located here – Inspirational Quotes from Beautiful People.


Isabella Flor

Posted on Apr 15, 2016 in Family


8 Annoying Habits That Will Make People Unfollow You on Instagram

Posted on Apr 15, 2016 in Funny, Popular


Instagram is popular.  There are over 400 million active users and they claim that about 1 in 5 people that use the internet, post their photos to Instagram. That  is pretty amazing considering Instagram is relatively new to the photography world, having launched 5 years ago.

But it isn’t all fun and games with Instagram.  Like the real world there are annoying people that can really chap your hide.  I read an interesting thread on Reddit this week and it was fascinating.  It was about annoying habits that photographers do on Instagram that make people want to unfollow them.  You can read it here – Annoying Instagram Users

I decided to do some research on the subject and found that there are 9 super annoying things that will make someone want to unfollow you on Instagram.  This isn’t what I say.  This is what people on the internet say when asked. Don’t be “That Guy” and fall into any of these bad habits.

#1 Posting Too Many of the Same Looking Photo Day after Day

Really want to annoy someone on Instagram?  Than post similar looking photos everyday.  If you really, really want to annoy someone, post your face in a similar looking picture everyday.  Like this guy – His name is Mr Pimp Good Name and he is the King of the Selfie.  You can check out his profile here – The King.

The Self Proclaimed King of the Selfie never gets tired of his own face.


#2 Tricking People into Following You, Then Unfollowing Them

This is the one that bugs me the most.  To get followers, people on Instagram will follow other people with the hope that they will follow them back.  It is sort of like unspoken Instagram etiquette to follow back people that follow you.

But some people take advantage of that and quickly unfollow people after they have received the benefit of the other person following them.  I call this person the Tricky Follower in that the fool you into following them.

You can always tell the Tricky Follower because they have thousands of followers but follow no one.


#3 OverPosting or Posting Too Many Boring Photos In A Single Day

Face it.  If you are posting more than 1 photo on Instagram a day you are posting Too Much!  People that follow you can digest about 1 photo from you a day and if you are posting more you are probably boring them out of their mind and they are likely to unfollow you.   Posting too much might get you featured on this Tumblr Account – The Worlds Most Boring Instagram Photos.

Ya didn’t really need to post this stupid pic did ya?


#4 Putting Quotes on All Your Photos

Hey I like photo quotes as much as the next guy but if you are posting pictures and every single one of them has an inspirational quote on them,  you might be overdoing it.  Besides I never find that the people that post inspiration quotes everyday are very accomplished.  If you are posting too many photo quotes you might find yourself dropping in popularity rapidly!

Use your Photo Quotes Sparingly to Have the Most Impact on Someone.


#5  Advertising Too Much (Or Maybe at All) 

The worst. No one likes to feel like they got fooled into watching an advertisement but this can get to be a big problem on Instagram with people that essentially turn their accounts into big billboards for advertisers.   The worst offenders are celebrities typically that have huge followings.  They advertise so much they are called “Adstagrammers”.  Here is an article on it – The Worst Offenders.

Scott Disick is the King of Adstagrammers


#6 Posting Too Many Photo Cliches

This one kills me.  Photo cliches are photos that are so overused that they lose their original importance or meaning.  And Instagram is literally full of them. You know you have seen them.   They lack originality.  They are more style over substance.  And they are boring.  And the internet says if you post too many of them, you are likely to get UNFOLLOWED on Instagram.

Here are some of the all time favorite photo cliches on Instagram.

The Ultimate WanderLust Shot Looking over Nature


 Hey Guess What, I am a Photographer.


I have a floppy hat and shades standing in nature.


#7  Overkill on the HashTags 

And then there are those people that just overkill on the hashtags on every picture.  Most people don’t even read hashtags.  They just glaze over them.  But that doesn’t prevent people from lines and lines of them on every picture. #nofilter,#justsaying,#blessed,#rageblackout, #winning,#luckygirl, # skinnygirlproblems, #helloasshole, #ilovecats, #MuslimRage, #daddycool, #badhashtag.  Get it?  Do these too  much and it will get so obnoxious people will stop following you.


#8 –  Going Ape Shit on the HDR Look

HDR is cool.  HDR is also very not cool.  You have to be careful to use it pretty sparingly or people will get very annoyed with you.  Bad HDR is notorious on the internet and people are getting pretty fed up with it.  If you have never seen bad HDR, you can check out this site to see some real doozies – Cringeworthy Examples of HDR.

Hey even I was guilty of this back early in my photography career and I went way overboard!

I went Ape Shit with HDR back in the day. #sorry, #notsorry.


Don’t be that Guy

Ok, so now you know.  Don’t be that guy.  Try to avoid some of the pitfalls and annoying habits that will make you Public Enemy #1 on Instagram.  Have fun and remember, The only person you should try to better than is the person you were yesterday.

My Beach, My Wave

Posted on Apr 14, 2016 in photography


Mitt and Me

Posted on Apr 11, 2016 in photography

I went down for a Sunday stroll on the beach.  It was beautiful today as the beaches were white and clean and the sand was crumbly.  It was warm and the birds were flying over head.

I took this picture and as I walked back home I looked up to see the progress on Mitt Romney’s remodel and there he was outside on his patio reading his magazine enjoying the beautiful view.  Great little Sunday.


El Corrido Irish

Posted on Apr 9, 2016 in Family, Music

Smack Talk 101 by Big Pete

Posted on Apr 7, 2016 in Family

Hi.  Big Pete Here.  I am guest authoring for Frank on his blog.  I grew up in the National City so I know a lot about smack talk. Smack talk is the number 1 skill for you to master if you hope to survive in my hood.

I live in West Barrio Logan these days which some people refer to as Coronado but I still call it the Hood.   This blog is about smack talking.  It’s about me teaching you some skills so that you can smack talk like a National City native too.

When Big Pete puts on his Chargers Jersey, Let the Smack Talk Begin 


Most People Can’t Smack Talk

Face it.  Most people choke under pressure.  Their minds cannot function in battle and that’s why they cannot smack talk.  They start saying things like, “But, you, I…you’re like a fat..I’m not stupid. You’re  the one thats stupid” and stuff that doesn’t make sense.

That’s where I come in.  I coach people on the simple way to smack talk.  It’s fool proof.   You can go in and be a winner with my method.  Stop choking.  Start winning.

Also, I noticed a lot of white people have a hard time with smack talk.  Like my brother in law Frank.  He can’t dance and he can’t smack talk.  I tried to teach him to dance but it didn’t work and he keeps dancing like this.  But I did create this pretty effective Smack Talk tutorial for him and even he can do it.

I tried to teach Frank to dance but he only remembers this one

awkward dance

My 3 Step Smack Talk Program

Can you remember 3 sentences?  Good.  Than that means you can leverage my 3 step program to win smack talk every time.

My 3 Step “Escalating Program” relies on hitting people where it counts in the simplest way possible.  The beauty of the program is that you could win after the very first step.  Then you walk away from your opponent with the least amount of effort on your part.

If you need to escalate to win the battle , you simply engage the next step which applies more strategic force against your enemy. The strategy is to subject your opponent to increasing levels of ridicule and embarrassment so they will slink away.

Put a bag on your head fool!  You’ve just been beaten by Big Pete’s 3 Step Program

embarrassed (1)

Step 1 – “Your Shirt”

This is your lead off.  So make sure you always remember this one.  This is also the least personal of 3 step program.  But that is by design.  You don’t need to come out with the atomic bomb to obliterate the guy, you just come in like a sniper and start with subtlety.

Here is it how it works.  If someone says for example, “Damn, Your Breath Smells Bad”, you reply,” Damn, your Shirt Smells Bad Bro!”  You simply repeat what they said but include “Your shirt” as the preface.  Fricken genius right?

Keep in mind. If you get as good as me you can improvise and start referencing their  body parts (like their skinny legs or their fat head or whatever instead of shirt). Or  you can reference other clothing such as their skinny jeans, or their backwards baseball cap.  I don’t advise it though until you have a few years of experience.  Improvising is more for the Masters, like me.

“Damn Bro, Your shirt is making my eyes water it smells so bad”


Step 2  – “Your Face”

Like I said my program is simple. If you can remember “Your Face” than you will always remember step 2.    Just remember, “Your face” ok?

Here is how it works.  If someone says something to you like,  “Man you are one ugly mother f’r”,  you simply reply, “Your Face is one ugly mother f’r”.  Step 2 is that simple.

You see how that works?  You essentially up’d the ante considerably by merely putting, “Your Face” in front of exactly what they said to you.

Hit em back hard with this.  Trust me.  People listening around you will laugh and you will laugh too which is absolutely ESSENTIAL in smack talk.  Make sure you make people laugh at the other guy.

“Your Face is One Ugly Mother F’r.” 


Step 3 – “Your Mother”

This is step 3. I also call it the Nuclear Option.  Once you push this button you have to be willing to land some blows because 27.4% of the time that might happen.  Again, only proceed to Step 3 if Step 2 was not successful.

Here is how it works.   Someone says , “Man you are so ugly”, you simply reply, “Your mother is so ugly that when she tried to join an ugly contest they said Sorry No Professionals.

As I said be prepared on this one.  Either you are going to flat out win, or you are going to have to break out your best Karate chops because there is going to be a fight.



Keep it Simple Stupid

So there you have it.  That’s my 3 step program.  My advice is keep it simple.  After you have mastered the art, then and only then should you improvise.  You gotta walk before you crawl.

Keep it simple.  Remember.  Your shirt.  Your Face. Your Mother.  You will never go wrong.

Big Pete from National City. Home of the Mile of Cars and Price Breakers.