The Story of a Boy Raised by Grizzly Bears

Posted on Aug 22, 2015 in photography

Once upon a time there was a boy with a deep dark secret. The boy was a feral child.   He was born to human parents but shortly after his birth, he was stolen by Grizzly Bears!  The rogue bears had taken the boy because he had skinny legs and they wanted to train him to run in the bear olympics of 1980 in Alaska to represent the bears who had never won a gold medal in running.

They say children raised by Grizzly Bears have  a strength, intellectuality and moral fiber unlike other children and of course of taste for fatty salmon and sleeping long hours during the winter.  And this boy certainly did.

A picture of the baby boy and his Momma Bear


It wasn’t easy being raised by bears.  For example, bears rarely shower,  and they poop on trees.  The boy needed to learn how to poop on trees.  Also the boy needed to learn to fish.  Momma Bear would take boy to fish on the sea.

Momma bear says to little boy, “catch me a fish sucker. I love fishys”


The little boy grew older.  They trained him to ride Big Wheels and to play video games.  But the bears were very protective and everywhere the boy went on his bike, the momma bear was right behind making sure that no wolves ate him.

Momma bear was always by his side.smallbear66

 The boy learned to speak only bear language.  He would grunt and go “HRROOOGH” and make growling noises.  And he would run too.  Everyday he would run 10 miles to train for the bear olympics, in 1980, in Alaska.

Momma bear said to the boy, “Go Run Sucka, win me a gold medal!”  HRROOOGH, said the boy


But growing up was not always easy as a bear.  When the bears would eat they would get very angry and yell. The boy preferred to eat quietly with a knife and fork.  It was hard on the boy.

The boy looks on in disgust as the Momma Bear yells for another potato or bread or whatever.  It was always something.

smalllbear77 When the boy graduated from school.  He wore a brown suit and wanted to hang out with his friends but Momma Bear got up in everyones grill and wanted to be the center of attention.

Biting his lip, the boy tries to ignore Momma Bear.


Since there was beer at the event and bears love beer, Momma bear got quite drunk and disorderly and embarrassed the boy terribly.  It was  sight to behold, Momma bear drinking bear and cavorting like a fool.

The boy smiles nervously while Momma Bear destroys the party.


Well anyway as the story goes, the boy gets so disgusted with Momma Bears drunk behavior that he told her that when the Bear Olympics in Alaska in 1980 were over that he was going to leave the bears forever and live like a real boy.  So he trained very hard and ate lots of salmon guts and well the rest is history.  You can read about the boy that won the “big one” or see the feature film that is in production and geared for release in 2016.

That boy went on to win the Bear Olympics, in 1980, in Alaska


So that is the story friends.  So does anyone want to know the last big secret of this story?  Does anyone want to know who that little boy turned out to be?  Well, kids that little boy is me. I was the little boy raised by bears that trained, and eventually won the Bear Olympics in 1980 in Alaska.  And thats also why you may notice that I like to rip the heads off salmon when I see them even today.

Years later. Me with Momma Bear.  Unfortunately, we barely keep in touch now.


The Jetsons Prove How Miserably We’ve Failed at Technology in the Last 50 years.

Posted on Aug 19, 2015 in Funny

While watching the Jetsons this weekend, I realize just how miserably technology has failed us in the last 50 years.  We were supposed to be much further along the technology curve riding in space ships and having practically everything taken care of. As a kid, I was thinking we would have most of this stuff by now, but here is a list of ways that we have been ripped off.

Food Machines, Where are they?

What happened to the machine where we were supposed to be able to hit “Irish Stew” and have it pop out piping hot in front of us 5 seconds later.  Never happened.  Flying Pizza?  Sure I’ll have one.  What’s That? It still doesn’t exist!  Come on now.


We are still brushing our own teeth, Why is that?

Well here we are.  It’s 2015 and I still have to sit there brushing my own teeth. Back and forth.  It hurts my arms!  There were supposed to be machines by now that let me sleep while they scrub my teeth and then shower me and then dress me.  All I was supposed to do was lift my arms up so the clothes could be put on.


Kid Space Ships Never Happened.

The Jetsons used to pop Junior in the spaceship, push a button and then send him off to school in a self driving space ship.  I haven’t see those happen yet. Why not?  There has been plenty of time and the way kids are these days, I’m getting tired of driving around so much. It seems like somebody should be on this and making it happen.  It would save us lots of time and besides it looks fun for the kiddy kids.


We Still Don’t Have Robot Maids

Rosie the Robot Maid used to do absolutely everything for the Jetsons.  Not only that but she had a caring and motherly personality.  Exactly the type of robot maid one would want.  We’re still forced to deal with human maids.  They’re slow and sometimes complain and even require days off.  Where are our Robot Maids?!


The Turn off the Boss Button (Still Not Available)

George Jetson used to have an awesome panoramic desk with just a few buttons and a big display.  The most popular button was right in the middle of the desk and he would use it to shut off his boss. It was a great little piece of useful technology but it was never made available to the general public.


Space Rocket Helmets are a Long Way Off

Given the fact that we are just starting to get Electric Cars and space travel going, I am not going to hold my breath waiting for the space rocket helmets that we should have had by now.  They looked fun and convenient.


Space Busses – Any hope of those?

Rosie the Robot Maid used to take cool space busses home everyday.   They were on these long poles up in the sky but I think these are still a long way off.


Totally Automated Manicure and Haircut Machine

This machine promised a very relaxing and totally automated day at the nail and hair salon but these are still nowhere in sight.


So there you have it.  Obviously technology has failed us.  As a human race we should have been much further along than we are today.  I guess we’ll have to wait another 50 years.  Hurry it up though, I still want to try that flying pizza.

Get Wiggly

Posted on Aug 18, 2015 in Family

Howdy Isabella

Posted on Aug 17, 2015 in Family


1 Year in San Diego

Posted on Aug 15, 2015 in Family

This week it’s one year that Vinh has been in San Diego.  And wow, so much has happened.  We love having him here.  He helps run Tu’s coffee business, goes to school, hits the gym 2 hours a day and still manages to make time to run errands and help us keep everything running.  It’s been a great year.


Barber Tract

Posted on Aug 15, 2015 in photography

The Barber Tract is where we live.  It is one of the first organized tracts of homes originally developed in the 1920’s.  It was originally called Neputnia and before that the sand dunes because it was all rolling dunes of sand.

It was one of the first developments in San Diego because it was such a beautiful place and still is.  If you look closely you can see Mitt Romney’s new home that is just being finished.


Every Summer Has a Story

Posted on Aug 15, 2015 in photography


Tu said that when she was a little girl she never got to see the sunset in Vietnam because it was cloudy and they just never seemed to be like she saw in pictures and she dreamed someday that she would be able to stand with her love and watch the sunset somewhere like in a picture. Well…