Street Photos from Vietnam

Posted on Aug 2, 2013 in Travel

Xin Chao Vietnam.  I just got back and it was awesome.  We’re busy collecting all the photos from the various and many wedding ceremonies that we had but that will take some time. I wanted to post a few pictures of street photography that I took around the town of Vinh Long Vietnam and surrounding places.

Vietnam is such an awesome place for Street Photography. It’s not something I do very much in the US here but in Vietnam it is so easy because everyone there wants you to take their picture.  In the US people are just not that into it.  I love the Vietnamese.

On the way to work at 7am along the Mekong Delta.


The lady is walking to the market.  She may work there or be going to pick up something like rice or fresh vegetables.


Near the Temple, this lady rides her bike to get morning coffee.


The man crosses over the bridge at sunrise, cigarette dangling from his mouth.

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The lady is selling extraordinary organic vegetables and fruits. She grows them on her farm.


The lady in gray.  She smiled at me.  She had no idea why anyone would take a picture of her riding her bike.

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When it gets unbearably hot and humid.  The rain comes quickly to relieve you.  It is a blessing.

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The baby is being offered 3 grapes but she is unsure.

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He is on a barge.  He is not working but resting and waiting for the next long drive down the river.

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He is selling little fish.  He strings them up like this every morning.


The buildings in Vietnam make great rustic backdrops for photography.


She brings lunch to people.  They pay her a bit of money, not much.  She gets by.


A pail. A towel. This young boy heads to the River for a morning wash by himself.


She was brushing her hair.  She thanked me, and blessed me for taking her picture.

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He is building something.  It is interesting to watch the sparks fly.

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The boy is waiting on the boat.  His mom was making breakfast.


She’s wearing a Red Pancho on a casual bike ride in the rain.


The little boy is selling peanuts.

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They are carrying ice down the street.  Good job boys.


She is on her way back home in her rice hat and work clothes.


He is selling interesting sweet fruit on the street.  That is all he sells.

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There is quite a bit of joy in Vietnam
