Rural Canada Photographed from Train Window

Posted on Nov 3, 2013 in Travel

Traveling by train is nostalgic.  It’s comfortable and exciting ,giving you a feeling that you are going somewhere and that anything is possible.  I often used to think that train time was down time, a time to just reflect and watch the world go by.

One of the more well known classic train trips is the beautiful trip from Montreal to Quebec.  The country side is some of most beautiful in world.  I photographed out the window as dramatic storms brewed in the distant.  There was something strangely familiar about the scenes.

I felt I was not only traveling to Quebec, but back in time.  Peoples lives and homes were flashing by me at 90 miles per hour but my camera was capturing them.  It was freezing them.  And here they are.

first house

Distant clouds provided a surreal backdrop to the mundane scenes that flew by.


A lone tree in fields of grain. It’s leaves were yellowed and ready to fall.


A tiny car darting down the road was no match for us, as we overtook it.

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What kind of dreary things were they doing inside.  It was a cold day, not much to do outside.

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Farm equipment, quite technical looking but doing important things for many.


Sitting in a train, is like taking a plane but on the ground.  It is infinitely more interesting.


You get a sense of the beauty of Canada on a train.  Autumn is ending now,  Winter is approaching.


Take the train whenever possible.  It is better than a car, a bus or a plane most of the time. If you have the time that is.


There is something about photographing from a window. You will always be surprised at the result.


Hazy cold rain fell.  It was still beautiful.  The rural country side was beautiful.


The train and storm were moving quickly.  Every minute was changing.


Isabella and her Tiny Friends

Posted on Nov 3, 2013 in Family

Isabella has lots of friends.  They hang out together everyday.



9 Shots of Frankie and James being Ridiculouchiously Funningly Cute

Posted on Nov 1, 2013 in Family

Here they are.  The Comedy Duo.

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The Man who Knows Every Bird in Quebec

Posted on Nov 1, 2013 in photography


It was 6:30 am.  It was cold in Quebec this particular morning and had just finished raining so the streets were deserted.  It was a perfect day for taking some pictures of a beautiful city in a dreary and moody setting.

As I rounded a corner to head into a park, I heard a man whooping and hollering like a cattle rustler in distance.  It sounded like a mixture of french and english “Ah Yeah, Oui, Oui, Mange, Mange”.  It was interesting to hear such a commotion when the city was nearly empty and quiet.

Heading down the stairs, I finally saw what the commotion was about.  An older man, with two large bags was flinging crumbs to pigeons and yelling for more to come.  He had two large bags, apparently he had a lot to give.

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I think at times there is a tendency to think that someone doing something out of the ordinary is crazy, that they are nuts.  I think I assumed that and cautiously approached him, snapping some pictures from afar.

He didn’t yell at me, so I moved in closer thinking that he was quite sane.  He started to talking to me.  He said, “I know every bird in this city”.   Again my suspicions were aroused that perhaps he was crazy.  How do you know every bird in the city?

He explained further.  “I have been coming here, every day for 30 years. I have been feeding these birds everyday.”  He wasn’t crazy and he was not lying.  He did know every single bird in the city.


“I use “Huile” he said.  That is why they love me.  I use “Huile”.”   I assumed that he meant Oil and he assumed that I knew French.    He explained to me that everyday he would go to all the restaurants in the city and get their bread scraps.  They cut off the ends of the bread.  They pour olive oil on them and leave them for him to collect.  I wondered to myself if the birds enjoyed the oil as much as he thought they did.


So here he was at 6:30 am.  He’d done it every day for 30 years and he seemed so happy.  So happy to feed pigeons, a few seagulls and a single crow that he said was “very smart but very bad mannered”.  He told me had 4 children but they moved away.  He looked sad and happy at the same time, talking about his family, and birds.


Sometimes a camera can give people an excuse to talk to each other.  Me just a wanderer by and he just a bird loving old man.  It’s a chance to hear each others story.

He said, “Goodbye, thank you for stopping by”.  I said Goodbye too. He probably barely remembers me now, but I have his pictures. I remember him.


Meet the Babichev’s. Most Big Success Tale in Village of USA

Posted on Oct 30, 2013 in Funny

The Babichev come to America in 1987, September 19.   It’s good.  Many big plans to make fortune box running organized protection and security company for local neighbor business. A few dollars here and there to make sure no problems.

And then, with hard work they dream to meet stars like Farrah Fawcet, Cheryl Tiegs and Robert Pine of Hit Television Box Show CHIPS

There is Papa and Mamochka. They bring 3 boys and Dedushka (everywhere they go, Dedushka goes). Let’s meet family now America style.

Meet Papa – Victorvovich Babichev

Meet Victovovich. He is man of house and very strong. In home village, Karovka, back in motherland, he wrestle bears with only hands.  He lose left ball in one wrestle match.

In USA he run business with with sons.  Mostly he provide protection to local business from other bad men.  He take small percentage from each business to exchange for beat up people.  Victovovich is good man.

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Meet Mamochka – Katrina Babichev

Mamochka is strong woman.  She give the birth to 8 children but 4 eaten by bears in village and one fall down well.  Only 3 sons left.  Momochka most beautiful woman in Karovka.  Victovovich spend 18 pigs to father to get her marriage.  Now her Papovich is richest man in all of village.

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Katrina has the big bottom and many men of village have very desire.  She is strong woman and very devote a Victor but men like hungry wolves and send flowers to possible interest her for sexy favors.


Meet Big Boy Anatoly Babichev (Oldest Brother)

Anatoly was born with silver spoon in mouth.  Mother feed him raw meet from baby time to make him strong.  Anatoly run business with Papa.  Anatoly has many woman to want to marry him but he waiting for woman as beauty as Momochka.


Meet most good looking brother #2 Vladimir Babichev

He look like movie star Eric Estrada and wears leather pant.  In village square he lift 2 bushel of hay with baby on top over head to show strong muscles to ladies.  In family business he is known as “Good Vladimir” because he talk smooth with business lady and wink wink his eye to them when he talk.


Meet Baby Boy Boris “The Enforcer” Babichev

Baby Boy Boris is big gyro of village.  Boris is afraid not to make punchy punchy with anyone or bear or jaguar.  Since boy he like dance in style of his gyro Michale Jackshon. He wore red sparkly glove but lost.  Now just wear black glove like Michale.


Meet Dedushka Ivan Babichev, Oldest Man in village of USA

Dedushka now has 115 years but maybe double count years.  Ivan come to village of USA in 1994 from Karovka with big dream to meet movie star Burt Reynold and maybe to live with him.

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Dedushka was big time boxy fan in village.  His father, Petroco, was famous boxy boy in homeland and win many matches.  He keeps picture of his papochka on night stand and proud to know him.


The Babichev’s is very happy for you meet you. Za zdorovje!!

Le Petite Cafe for Tea

Posted on Oct 26, 2013 in photography

We’re staying at a small boutique hotel called Le Petite Hotel.  It’s pretty cool.  We’ve had  a great day in Montreal before we head on our train ride to Quebec City.    It’s beautiful in Montreal this Autumn.






Posted on Oct 25, 2013 in Travel

Tu and I just landed in Montreal and exploring this cool French Canadian City.  We anxious to get out there and explore!



Band Aid Warrior

Posted on Oct 22, 2013 in Family

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