Has Street Fashion Photography gotten out of control?

Posted on Mar 15, 2013 in photography, Travel

When Garage Magazine sought to look at trends in fashion bloggers and street style photography, they found that two trends were developing – tons of photographers were emerging to take pictures and tons of “peacocking” street style stars were emerging.

The proliferation of street style fashion blogs and photography blogs has created a huge phenomenon that everyone seemingly wants to be involved in.

I referred this post to PetaPixel and they actually put it on their site as well – PetaPixel Blog Post

Whats happening with NIK Software?

Posted on Mar 15, 2013 in photography

I make no secret that one of my favorite companies in the world is Nik Software, a San Diego company which makes the absolute best plug-in software for Photoshop.  I use all of their products including Color Efx Pro, Silver Efx Pro, Viveza, HDR Efex Pro and in fact I have reviewed many of those products in my blog here.


In September of 2012 NIK Software was acquired by Google and lots of photographers were leery of the move.  They felt that Google was going to acquire Nik and neglect the company.  They felt that Google was going to take an awesome company and awesome products and basically kill it through lack of attention and investment.  I was on the fence about the move but I do respect Google so I was basically maintaining a wait and see approach.

Well, its been 6 months and there has been absolutely no news out of NIK in terms of new products or upgrades.  This is unusual since they used to have a steady stream of announcements and steady improvements to their software.  I always looked forward to those Nik Software press releases and emails I would get about something cool they were launching.  But now, crickets.  Silence.  Nothing new.  Nothing exciting.

I guess it isn’t exactly true that there has been no news because today, Google announced that they were actually getting rid of SnapSeed for Desktop.  So essentially the only news we get from NIK is about a product that Google is killing. Google has a history of starting many projects and then killing them. I don’t blame them since most of the stuff they do is for R&D purposes anyway and they keep innovating awesome stuff.  What I don’t like is that Google (to date) hasn’t seemed to provide photographers any real direction of where they are headed with the NIK integration and the only news we do get is the fact that they are killing off a product.  It’s a bit alarming actually.

I am a little concerned with what is happening, so I sent this letter to the company today.  I’ll wait and see how they respond.  I am hoping for something positive but we’ll see how they respond.


And so I did get a response.  It didn’t really address the fundamental issue  but rather was a form letter that they cut and paste from a script I am sure about Snapseed for Desktop.  I guess the fact that the letter was addressed from Google’s Corporate office and not from San Diego where most of the legacy NIK Software team is tells me that Google does have  firm control over this company now.

Well I really respect Google but I have to say based on what I am seeing so far, I wish that they had never acquired NIK and allowed that company to flourish and innovate the way they had for years.  It seems a bit of a shame but I think we live in a world where big companies swallow up small companies and the result is not a better bigger company just one less good small company.  I think NIK just may be an example of that.


Serendipitous Photo Opportunities

Posted on Mar 14, 2013 in photography

I headed out early this morning to take photos of the fog banks laying thick on the La Jolla Coastline.  Man we were really socked in this morning.

And who came driving along but the Trevor’s Free Candy Van.

Figured I should post this to warn peoples.


The Best Wide Angle Lens Ever Made for Nikon

Posted on Mar 13, 2013 in Popular

Nothing can be as confusing as trying to make your way through the infinite number of lenses available for your camera.  Not only are there a bunch of camera manufacturers but each of those cameras has a portfolio of lenses that can be used.  Now I have tried a lot of cameras and lenses over the last few years but I have pretty much found out that I prefer certain lens lengths to have in my backpack at any given time. I almost always, always carry a wide angle lens of some type.  There are three types of wide angle lenses that you will probably find me with depending on the situation.  I will either have a wide angle, super wide angle or fisheye with me at all times.

After all the lenses that I have tried one lens consistently stands head and shoulders beyond the rest.  The Nikon 14mm- 24mm F/2.8 is in my mind the best wide angle lens of all time. Not only is this lens extremely fast, it zooms and it offers edge to edge sharpness that I have not been able to duplicate with any other wide angle lens.  Almost every picture you take through this lens will blow you away when you look at it through your view-finder.  When you first attach it to your camera, you will probably giggle with excitement when you preview the pictures.


The Nikon 14mm-24mm f/2.8 lens.  The best wide angle lens ever made.

Why choose this lens?

At about $1,700 why would someone choose this lens.  It’s expensive and frankly for a wide angle lens it’s pretty heavy.  There are a few reasons I highly recommend this lens.

Best Lens for Shooting Landscapes- I just don’t think there is any other lens out there that can shoot landscapes the way that this lens can.  It’s wide enough to capture the stunning scene in context but not fisheye so you warp the edges of the photo.  You truly get a photo that looks even better than what you saw with your eye.  That rarely happens straight out of the camera with any lens but it does with this lens.

Great lens for Parties and Weddings – If you put a flash on your camera and head out to shoot shots of a wedding in action or a party you will absolutely love this lens.  You can capture a super wide view of the action and if you need to zoom in to 24mm you can as well.  So this lens goes from super wide to wide right on the camera.  If your using some of the new Nikon Cameras you can actually turn your DX Crop factor on and effectively turn this into a 35mm lens as well.  I mean this lens runs the gamut and the quality is always superb.

Great lens for Architecture and Real Estate Photos –  I am not very proficient in architecture or real estate photos but I do know this lens makes buildings, rooms and architecture look absolutely stunning.  This would be my lens of choice is I was going to do real estate photos since you can capture the whole room and not make it look totally fisheye distorted.  It’s amazing.

Auto Focus is Lightning Fast – I almost never miss a shot with this lens.  The autofocus is lightning fast and always tack sharp.  That is not the case with all my lenses but with this lens it always is.  It’s focus is always tried and true.

Aperture Settings give you so much control – If you like to do alot of slow shutter landscape photos then you want to set your aperture really high on your camera so you can bleed the light in slowly with little light pollution from surrounding areas.  I absolutely love the Nikon 14mm to 24mm because it allows me to put the camera on the tripod, set the Aperture to F/22 and then take a super long slow shutter shot.  It gives me the absolute right effect.  This camera will also go all the way up to F2.8 which means I can do great depth of field shots as well.  The Aperture settings are so flexible.

Photos are professional quality – The biggest benefit to this lens is that they make my photos look semi professional. I mean when you buy a lens that is what you want and that is exactly what this lens does for me.  It is totally worth the $1,700 to buy this lens.

Some Sample Images from the Nikon 14mm-24mm

Here are some sample images I have taken with the lens.



bridge at sunset


The Only Downside to the 14mm to 24mm Lens

There is only 1 caveat to this lens.  You have to be super careful with it.  There are no screw on filters for this lens so if you are careless you could scratch the front and you are pretty much screwed.  I did it once and I had to buy a new one.  Now I did sell the old scratched lens for $1,000 on Ebay so I only lost about $700 but still that is a downside to this lens.

Try or buy the Nikon 14MM-24mm Lens

Companies like borrower lenses or camera lens rentals will let you rent out these lenses before you buy.  My recommendation however is to just buy the lens.  This is one purchase you will never regret if you love photography.

Like Eating Soup with a Fork

Posted on Mar 13, 2013 in photography

Sometimes you go out to take pictures and it feels a bit like your eating soup with a fork.  You just keep going through the motions but by the time you get the fork to your mouth nothing is there.  Sometimes you walk around, click your camera to take pictures, look at the picture on your viewfinder and then hit delete.

Tonight was a bit like that.  I just kept walking around eating soup with a fork.  But eating soup with a fork doesn’t mean you won’t eat.  It just means you won’t eat much.  And  tonight, I really only took 1 picture I liked.

It was foggy, cold and late.  This is Scripps Pier, barely lit up in the foggy night.

la jolla scripps pier

Chinese Camp, the Most Haunted Town in America

Posted on Mar 12, 2013 in Popular

chinese camp cover

There were 5 of us in the car.  My friend Aaron and his wife Gem, Tu, myself and a baby – Chet.   We were on our way back from Yosemite National Park after an awesome couple of days in the park when we spotted a sign on the side of the road.  The sign indicated we were coming up on a town called Chinese Camp (population 146).    Now it sounded like  a pretty cool name and with a population of 146 people we knew we were probably in for something different.


Aaron pulled his car off the small road we were on and headed onto an even smaller road.  We were headed into Chinese Camp.  I am not sure what we were expecting on this little off-road excursion but 1 hour later when we pulled back on the road to go home we had gotten a taste of more strangeness, more weirdness and paranormal activity than we could have ever expected.

A California Gold Rush Town for Chinese or “Chineee” as they were called then

Chinese Camp is located in what was once gold rich country just south of Yosemite.  The town was first known as Camp Washington or “WashingtonVille” according to history.  When a nearby Camp called Camp Salvado forced the Chinese miners out, many of them ended up settling in Camp Washington down the road.  Well so many Chinese moved into the Camp that they ended up changing the name to Chinese Camp.

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Chinese American’s Miners in the Sierra Nevada

The town became a major transportation hub and even had it’s own train station which you can visit just south of town. The town was also a bit like the wild west towns portrayed in the HBO Series Deadwood. In 1856 a disagreement among Chinese miners resulted in a battle challenge between two local tongs (secret Chinese-American societies). 2,500 Chinese gathered with weapons to fight at the foot of Table Mountain, four were killed before one side retreated.


Chinese Miners in Yosemite washing for Gold

Apparently so many Chinese Miners were immigrating to the area that they began to go at war with each other over territories and other money making opportunities.  The battle was epic apparently and since many of them did not have guns it was an all out knife fight.

Imagine thousands of Chinese fighting each other in the hills with nothing but knives.  It was a battle where Chinese Camp was declared the winner.  And so the camp continued.  A very comprehensive history of the town is captured on this link here.


Photos of Chinese American Miners in an old notebook from Chinese BlogSpot

Now the Chinese Miners didn’t only have to worry about other members of the Chinese American Secret Societies but they also had to deal with hostile White California miners that wanted them out of the state as well.   There was a very active effort to remove the Chinese from California at the time.


There was a movement in California to kick Chinese Miners and Railroad workers out of the state.

With so many adversaries and hardships , it is no wonder that the camps eventually disbanded as the gold began to dry up.  What was once a boom town began to shrivel up and die.  But the town never completely died which is the strangest thing of all.


Chinese Miner along the river

Devolution to Semi-Occupied Ghost Town

Chinese Camp today is but a fraction of what it once was.    It is best described as a semi-occupied ghost town with trailers and some small ramshackle type houses spotted on the various streets in town.  What was once home to more than 5,000 Chinese Miners that extracted $2.5 million in gold at its peek is now home to less than 150 people. Interestingly enough, there is not a single Chinese person or person of Asian descent for that matter living in town according to the latest census.  Actually no Chinese person has lived in this city since 1930 so perhaps the name of this town is the most ironic of all American towns.

So the last stage coach service was cancelled in 1914 and when the automobile became popular in the 1930’s even the trains became of little use.  The Chinese moved away and the town slowly devolved to what it is today – A semi-occupied and falling down Ghost Town.  Maybe the only thing that has kept it barely alive is it’s proximity to Yosemite National Park.

Thousands of visitors travel up this lonely road to head into Yosemite. Most of them barely notice the town which passes them by in a blink of an eye.  Maybe some are too afraid to enter the town which is over-run by weeds and trees.  Maybe they have heard the haunting stories and want nothing to do with it. In any case, the town has remained in many ways just as it was over 150 years ago.

We spoke to a couple of locals who happened to be walking around that day.  They told us that until recently the town had been over-run by meth labs that had been setup in some of the houses.  They’ve worked hard to remove that element in the city and are now focused on restoring the city back to what it once was.  From what I could see, they have a lot of work in front of them.

Chicken Coops, Graveyards, Abandoned Homes

As you drive down Freeway 49 South of Yosemite, you’ll come upon the sign for Chinese Camp.  It’s 5 miles south of Jamestown and if you blink your eyes, you’ll probably pass it without even noticing it.  But if you look a little more carefully you will be intrigued.


An old barn sits abandoned and crumbling in Chinese Camp California.

As you get off Highway 49 to head into Chinese Camp, you have two choices.  You can go left or you can go right.  We decided to go right, up to the beautiful little empty 1 room church.  At least we thought it was empty.

The first thing you’ll notice is broken down chicken coop houses.  Somebody had obviously raised chickens here, lots of chickens but even those seemed to be gone now.  We winded slowly up the hill passing the broken down chicken coops half afraid of what we would find and half astonished at what this place seemed to hold.

At the top of a hill is a scene out of a movie.  There it sits –  St Francis Xavier Church – the oldest surviving church in the county.  A small graveyard and lonely beautiful trees surround the church which is gated off with crude barbed wire.

chinese camp1

The church is beautiful. It’s spooky.  The ancient gravestones and wrought iron fences that surround graves are fascinating.  We felt like we were in an episode of the Walking Dead.  We felt like there was  strange energy about this place.  It was beautiful  and historical but we just felt like there was something else here.

Why were there new flowers on a gravestone that read that a person was deceased over 150 years ago. Who was placing flowers on these ancient graves?

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A teddy bear on a child’s grave stone.  This scene haunted me.  Why was there a Teddy Bear on a grave from so long ago?  This church has not been used of 120 years but someone was still caring for these graves.


Barbed wire fences surround the church but there are nothing but endless rolling hills around.  So many unanswered questions filled our minds.  None of the gravestones in the church were for Chinese American names.  Where were the Chinese miners bodies – the 5,000 people that had lived here?  Where were they buried?  Were their spirits still around us?

History of the town reports that at the time, many of these gravestones had the pictures of the deceased engraved right on the gravestones themselves.  Children used to wander through this graveyard looking at the pictures of people, like wandering through an art gallery.

running from zombie

chinese camp

 As an amateur photographer, I felt like I had found a hidden gem.  Here was the most picturesque church and graveyard I had ever visited.  I could not believe more photographers had not discovered this place.  What was it about this place that made it so unknown, so hidden?


We learn that Chinese Camp is experiencing high levels of Paranormal Activity

We got back in the car and winded down the hill and into town.  That’s when things started to get even stranger.  As we pulled up to the main street in this ghost town we noticed people.  We were surprised.  We thought there was no one around for miles.  The people were there because Discover Channel producers were there investigating high levels of paranormal activity and ghost activity in several of the buildings.

Then my friend Aaron looked at his iPhone to view some pictures he had taken of my girlfriend Tu running through the cemetery on the hill.  Now I am sure there is a reason for it but the camera had actually captured her own ghostly image chasing herself. The odds of a glitch in the phone causing this seemed unlikely.

We were beginning to spook ourselves out and the Discovery Channel became very curious in that picture.  So curious, that the producer of the show even came over to investigate.  What was going on?  This place was strange and getting stranger by the minute.


After returning home, I discovered websites and paranormal investigators reporting unusual “K2 hits” which apparently is unexplained bolts of energy emanating from buildings in the town.  Apparently the week after we went another investigation team apart from the Discovery Channel headed into the area and wrote this update – Paranormal Investigations.

The homes have eyes

While Aaron and Tu reviewed the spooky picture with the producers of the Discovery Channel. I decided to explore on my own.  I’ll admit I was a bit creeped out as I wrestled with weeds and branches and clawed my way into the heart of Chinese Camp. The falling down homes, barns and building were awesome.  But I always felt like I was being watched.

I found myself wishing I wasn’t alone – that I had some backup.



Do you feel the same when you look at these pictures?  Do you feel like you are being watched?  Because I did and I began to slowly realize that maybe this town was haunted.  I had heard of ghost towns before but most of the times that was just clever marketing by locals to get you to go.

This place was not staged.  This was a real ghost town.  I have been to Ghost Towns before.  I think this just might be the most spooky and haunted ghost town in America.

If you look very closely, it looks like a ghostly figure is in the windows


The Post Office, The Town Hall

Some of the locals opened up the old post office and the old dance hall (I believe that is what it was, or perhaps it was a hotel) and we looked inside.  I felt like I was taken back to an old Western Town.  Everything was dusty.  They let you touch everything too not like most places where there are signs that say “Don’t touch this”, or “Don’t touch that”.  No this was a full immersion back through history.

You could even comb through the old general ledger books that someone kept about who owes who what.  I guess someone kept records of what happened in this place a long, long time ago.


A Plan to return to this spooky and weird place

As we left we passed by a house.  A house occupied by two men.  Two mysterious and ominous looking  men that looked at us as if they had never seen humans before.  Aaron had to turn the car around and they stared us down.  I looked one of the guys right in the eye.  He looked like a redneck killer from a horror movie.  If I had half the guts I like to believe I have I would have stepped out of the car to take a picture of this guy because you probably would have agreed with me.

We ended up high tailing it out of there. We all breathed a collective sigh of relief feeling like we had dodged a bullet.  I got back to San Diego and while I combed through the pictures I had gotten while I was there I began to realize just how interesting and unique this old Ghost Town was.

We had originally taken the trip to photograph Yosemite which we did, but we ended up getting pictures of something much more extraordinary and unique then we ever could have expected.  Chinese Camp was an incredible to go.  A place to visit which will probably change or disappear in a few short years.

If your a photographer or Ghost Town enthusiast, I highly recommend you pay a visit to America’s Spookiest and Haunted Ghost Town – Chinese Camp California.

Wet Socks

Posted on Mar 10, 2013 in photography

Stormy week in La Jolla.

Crystal Pier was empty, deserted.

Except for this guy.

Guess he was waiting for the rain.

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Baking Queen

Posted on Mar 10, 2013 in Family

She loves to bake.

She bakes every chance she gets.

And she is great at it!

baking queens