Happy Spring Friday Everyone

Posted on Apr 10, 2015 in photography


Another Beautiful Easter Sunday at the Fendley Manor

Posted on Apr 10, 2015 in Family

It was another beautiful Spring Day in San Diego, a perfect Easter Sunday for an Egg Hunt, Donuts, Bagels and Candy.  If you want to see all the pictures you can find them here – Easter Sunday.


There was so much Candy it was flowing over the table and there were two boxes of donuts and  bags of bagels and that was just the start!


The eggs were hidden by the Easter Bunny of course and everyone lined up, anxious to see where the eggs were left.  We were full of anticipation



It didn’t take some of us long to find Eggs. Like Little Camille, she found this blue egg in 20 seconds and popped it into her bag.


Isabella showed up and she already had a basket full of eggs.  What had she been doing all morning?  I guess she had been finding lots and lots of eggs


Geno had a good time there too.  He told us he was accepted into High Tech High School. Imagine that, Geno is already in High School!


And these two old timers from the 1890’s were there as well.  I am pretty sure that guy owns a Spaghetti joint somewhere.


The Incredible Donut Caper and Perfect Crime

Posted on Apr 8, 2015 in Family

It started off innocently enough.  Four donuts piled high on a plate.  A fork and napkin nearby. It was a plate of donuts left for no one really.  It was just a plate of four donuts piled high on a plate.


James came a walking in to the room and pointed to plate piled high with donuts and exclaimed, “Nonuts”.  Taking a seat at the table like a good boy ready for a donut feast, James grabbed the fork and decided to try one of those donuts piled high on the plate.


But forks don’t make good donut eating apparatus so he tossed the fork aside and decided to just use hands.  This donut.  This fine donut is a feast.  Now there were only 3 donuts left piled a little lower on that plate.


Things got interesting when a donut flew in the air and dropped right on the head of Little James.  The donut was perched like a bird on a branch, but it was a donut on the head of James.  Now there were only 2 donuts left on the plate and one donut in James hand, and one on his head.


This is fun and this is funny.  James laughed and his head was full of sugar.  Why James looked like a sugar donut himself!  My goodness what is going on?  When he smiled you could now see sugar all over his face.  James was turning into a donut!

donut4Just one things looked like they could not get any more amusing, James put another donut on his head.  He looked around.  Now there was only one donut left on the plate piled very low and things were getting more sugary by the minute.  James what will we do with you?!


By now what started off as a plate of donuts piled high on the plate had turned into a zoo of donuts scattered everywhere.  And sugar too.  Sugar on the face.  Sugar on the head. Sugar on the ground.  Sugar on the table and uh oh.. Sugar on Mom’s new chairs!


Someone yelled, “Mom’s gonna be real mad when she see’s what you did James!”  Because everyone knows that James did this on his own and no one else was to blame at all for it.

So mops, rags sponges and vacuums were gathered and everyone began cleaning. Mostly James.  James was determined to clean it up before anyone could see!  He was a good boy and this donut caper was something he wanted to keep his little secret.  Clean faster guys!  Hurry before mom sees this mess!


As James washed down the table he looked around.  There was not a drop of sugar anywhere.  This was an incredible donut caper he thought to himself.  And it was the perfect crime.


I’ll Eat My Shirt

Posted on Apr 7, 2015 in Family

My name’s Michael Fendley, ya hear?  And I’m The Financial Man with the Financial Plan.  I’m good. Ya see?

Ask around.  I got the best rates in town and I never frown.  Always smiling and always beguiling.  Serving you day or night, until I get it right.

I make money when you make money and look at this face?  I’m a guy that loves money and me loving money means that your loving money even when your sleepin and not even thinking bout money.

Let me take your money and pile it up for you.  If I can’t make you a million, I’ll eat my shirt.  Guaranteed.


Passion. Drive. Determination. Commitment

Posted on Apr 7, 2015 in Family

Cue up the inspirational music.

His name is John.  John Barkley Jr.  He shows true grit when put to the test.  Like an Easter Egg Hunt. While others casually browse for colored eggs he pours his very heart and soul into the competition. That’s right.  Its a competition.  And he treats it as such.

No one. No one shows the drive, the passion, the determination, the commitment to win it all at all cost.  Here is looking up to you John Barkley Jr.


7 Things that Happen When You Just Go Driving

Posted on Apr 5, 2015 in Family

Tu and I like to get in the car and start driving without an end destination in mind.  Usually we’ll get on the freeway and I will ask the question, “North, South or East”? You see we can’t go much further West as we are practically on the Pacific already.

Then we just start going, right and left and whatever roads we want.  Pretty soon we can end up in interesting places.  It’s amazing what the world has out there if you don’t follow a path.  We like not knowing where we are going until we get there.

Yesterday, Tu said, “East”.  So we headed East out towards the desert.

We found a Casino.  And we played a slot machine and Tu won $1!


 We found old wagons and and lakes and barns.


Tu got chased by a wild and scary goat that wanted to murder her.


We found an enchanted forest with fairy’s and goblins


We found a scary doll in a thrift store.


And Tu found a Shopping Cart and Went Walking Down the Street for some reason


We found Chicken Dinner for $1!


It’s pretty funny what random assortment of memories you can collect without an itinerary or plan.  We kind of enjoy the whole experience.

A Message from Helvetica Font

Posted on Apr 4, 2015 in Funny
